Monday, April 10, 2023

I've Got a Number

I’ve got a number
grade level : 4 – 6 intermediate

I’ve got number

Overview :

This activity can be used as a material covered in any subject.

The no. of items can be increased or decreased as needed.


To review material covered in a fun way.

Objective : 

Students will review concepts, facts or other skills.

Resources / Materials : 

unlined cards series of problems or questions.

I’ve got number

Activities & Procedures :

Prepare a set of cards, plan a series of problems, making sure not to duplicate any of the answers. Starting with the first card, write a problem on the lower half of the card.

The answer is on the top of the next card along with the next problem.

Continue generating problems until you have atleast one card for each student.

A card or cards are dealt to each player. Choose one student to start the activity by reading the problem on the bottom of this card to the class.

All other students listen carefully to see if their card contains the answer.

Play continues until all cards have been answered.

I’ve got number

Example : sample questions

2 – at top of card.

I have 2. who has nine times this number.

18 – top

I have 18. subtract three from this.

15 –

I have 15. divide the number by 3.

5 –

I have 5. multiply this number by 4.

20 –

I have 20. subtract 17.

3 –

I have 3. who has 10 more than this number?

I’ve got number

Example : sample questions

13 – at top of card.

I have 13.multiply by 2 Add 4 to that.

30 – top

I have 30. What is half of that?

15 –

I have 15. Add 3 to this number. Now divide by 9.

2 –

I have 2. What is 1 less than this number?

1 –

I have 1. Add 15.

16 –

I have 16. Subtract number of sides in a Square.

12 –

I have 12. Subtract dozen from this.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

2 – at top of card.

I have 2.

who has nine times this number ?.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

18 – top

I have 18.

subtract three from this.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

15 –

I have 15.

divide the number by 3.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 5. multiply this number by 4.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 20.

 subtract 17.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 3.

who has 10 more than this number?

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 13.

multiply by 2 Add 4 to that.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 30. What is half of that?

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 15.

Add 3 to this number. Now divide by 9.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 2. What is 1 less than this number?

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 1. Add 15.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 16.

Subtract number of sides in a Square.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

I have 12. Subtract dozen from this.

I’ve got number
Sample questions

Now I have 0.

Like this continue your questions



Play with your Friends Kutties! πŸ‘

All the best! 
Thank YouπŸ™πŸ»

Power Point show          View
Play with your Friends Kutties! πŸ‘
All the best 
Thank You


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