Tuesday, October 10, 2023

class 3 Activity 1 identify the greater number

Maths Lab Activities (As per CBSE Guidelines)

Lab Activity-1

To represent the following pairs of numbers on straight lines using stickers and to identify the greater number from the representation. (i) 7 and 11

(ii) 9 and 5


Step 1: Draw two straight lines on a paper sheet [Fig. 1(a)]. Step 2: Take seven stickers and stick them one by one on the first line starting from one end. Make sure no gap is left between any two stickers and also no two

stickers overlap each other [Fig. 1(b)]. Step 3: Now take 11 stickers and stick them one by one on the second line in the same way as below [Fig. 1(c)].

Step 4: Observe the lengths of the stickers and note down that the number representing longer length of the stickers, is greater than the other. Similarly represent numbers 9 and 5 using stickers and note down the number representing longer length of the stickers.

7 stickers

11 stickers

Fig. 1(c)

Fig. 1(a)

Fig. 1(b)


Comparing the lengths of the stickers, we find that 

(i) In the activity the greater number is.
 (ii) In the activity the greater number is.

Extension of the activity: This activity may also be performed by shading squares in a line on the grid paper.

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