Monday, February 19, 2024

Class 4 English Worksheets -Homophones

 Class 4 English Worksheets

Homophones  are  words  that  sound  alike  but  have  different  meanings  and  spellings

Circle  the  homophones  in  each  sentence

1.Their  house  is  over  there  behind  the  trees.

 2.  On  cold  winter  days  my  grandfather  would  chop  wood  for  fire.

 3. Mother  had  flu  last  week  and so she  feels  weak  now.

 4. I  don’t  know  whether  the  weather  will  be  good  for  hiking.

 5. I  read  the  story  that  was  printed  in  red  ink.

 6. We  read  and  write  fromm  left  to  right.

 7. When   I  went  for  the  vacation  I  got  to  see  a  whale  in  the  see.

8. I  too   would  like  to  get  two  of  those  pencils.

9.    In winter  my  son  loves  to  feel  the  warm  sun  on  his  face.

 10. I  am  not  skilful   in  tying  that  type  of  knot.

Homophones  are  words  that  sound  alike  but  have  different  meanings  and  spellings
Use  the  homophones  to  make  sentences:
1. are  -  our
2. stare  -stair
3. Night  - knight
4. Hear  - here
5. Sum- some
6. Peace  -  piece

Homophones  are  words  that  sound  alike  but  have  different  meanings  and  spellings

Match  the  correct  homophones

   A                                                                     B

1.   Ice                                                                 year 

2.   Know                                                             eyes 

3.   Ear                                                                 no

4.   Write                                                             bear 

5.    Sun                                                               right

6.   Bear                                                              son

 7.   Pail                                                                Mail

 8.   Male                                                              Pale

 9.   Hear                                                              Weak

 10.  Week                                                          Here



i)  Write two rhyming words each.


a)  Look        --------------- ---------------

b) Shelves   --------------- ---------------

c)  Wide   ---------------    ---------------

d) High    --------------  -----------------

e)  Fat      -----------------  ---------------

f)    Little     ----------------  ----------------

g)  Tall    -------------------  --------------

h) stood  -----------------  --------------


Swing ,delicious, sail, recognized, trip, pluck, stump, shade, narrator, business, hardly,  company, sighing, rest, happily, hungry, trunk

1. Write the missing letters.       

                      a)  n a – r a t - r

                      b)  h a p -  - I y

                     c)   b – s – n e s s

                      d)  c – m p – n y

           2. Encircle the correctly spelt words.

                  a) delicious,  delisious

                  b) siging,  sighing

                  c) recognized, rekognised

                 d) hungry, hungri

3. Write correct words from the jumbled letters.

a) gnisw      ----------------------

b) stre           ----------------------

c) klpuc   ----------------------

d) hadse       -----------------------

e) ktrun        ------------------------


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