Wednesday, February 14, 2024




Q.1 Unwanted plants are called

a. trees                      b. weeds                    c. seeds

Q. 2 Illige is tool used in

a. ploughing             b. cutting                  c. sowing

Q. 3 Which Vegetable spoil quickly

a. coriander              b. potato                   c. onion

Q. 4 Beaks are use for

a. eating                     b. flying                    c. running

Q. 5 Front teeth keep growing in this animal

a. squirrel                  b. both                      c. snake

Q. 6 Slum area means

a. Temporary house           b. permanent house          c. forest

Q. 7. Sky scrapers are seen in

a. city                         b. town                      c. village

Q. 8 A person lose a lot of water from body by Vomiting and lose motion

a. Diarrhoea              b. Jaundice              c. Typhoid

Q. 9 We use this in case of diarrhea

a. ORS                        b. soft drink             c. Milk

Q. 10 Which among this is an edible root

a. Banyan                  b. carrot                   c. cauliflower

Q. 11  Desert oak tree is found in

a. India                      b. Australia               c. America

Q. 12 Harvesting festival of Assam is

a. Bihu                       b. Pongal                  c. Baisakhi

Q.13 Bhela Ghar is prepared by

a. Dry grass and bamboo  b.Brick and cement           c.Mud

Q.14 Mekhla Chadar is     worn in

a. Chhattisgarh            b.Orissa                 c. Assam

Q.15 Hot cooked food served in school

a.Mid-day meal     b.Dinner                      c.Breakfast

Q.16 Kadhah Prasad means

a. Halwa                    b.Pulao                      c. Kheer

Q.17 Langar means eating together in

a.Gurudwara            b. School                   c. At home

Q.18 In case we feel bad for any ones touch we should to    share with

a.Parents                  b. Teacher    c. Both

Q .19 The size and number of the needle changes according to the 

a.Texture                     b. Design    c. Colour

Q. 20 Pochampalli  is in the state

a. Andhra-Pradesh     b. Karnataka          c. Kerala

Q. 21 Local language of Abu – Dhabi

a. Arabic                    b. English                 c. German

Q. 22 Currency of Abu – Dhabi

a. Dollar                     b. rupees                  c. Dirham

Q. 23 Abu –Dhabi is at which direction to India

a.  North-West        b. South                    c. East

Q. 24 Mixture of spices is called

a. Garam masala     b. Turmeric               c. Sugar

Q. 25 Yellow powder used in kitchen

a. chilli                       b. Turmeric               c. salt

Q. 26 spices which is small round black like pearl

a. gram                      b. pea                        c. black- pepper

Q. 27 In the Indian Navy Whida serve as

a. Doctor                   b. Engineer               c. Nurse

Q. 28 How many commands is given by commander in parade

a. 35 command       b. 32 command      c. 38 command

Q. 29 Prism’ means which spread

A Seven colours       b. eight colours      c. six colours

Q. 30  Wheel chair is used by

a. lame                       b. dumb                    c. blind

Q.31 Where can we see ramp

a. railway station    b. market                 c. temple

Q.32 Meme – le means

a. Mother                 b. Father                   c. Grand father

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