Class 8Term 2 Practice Questions- Question Bank


Question Bank 

Class 8 Term 2 Practice Questions 

Square and Square roots

  1. The side of a square is (5a - 2b). Find its area. 

  2. Find the square of the number 82 using the property (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab 

  3. Find the square root of a number whose prime factorisation is 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 5 ×  5 .

  4. In an auditorium, the number of rows is equal to the number of chairs in each row. If  the capacity of the auditorium is to accommodate 1764 chairs, find the number of  chairs in each row.

  5. Find the square of the number (a)32. (b) 39.(c) 42.

  6.  If square root of 25x is 16 what is the value of x? A. 4 B. 2 C. 5 D. 6 

  7.  Perfect square number between 15 and 20 is: (a) 17 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 19 

  1. Find the smallest square number which is divisible by each of the numbers 6, 9 and 15. 

  2. Find the smallest square number that is divisible by each of the numbers 4, 9 and 10. 

  3. Is 45 a perfect square? Write with reason. 

  4. Find the smallest square number that is divisible by each of the numbers 8, 15 and 20. 

  5. Is 225 a perfect square? If so, find the number whose square is 225. Explain.  

  6. Is the number 2048 a perfect square? If not, then by which number should it be  multiplied so as to get a perfect square?

  7. Square root of 18.5 lies between which numbers? 

  8. Find the Pythagorean triplet whose smallest member is 10. 

  9. 36562 plants are to be planted in a garden in such a way that each row contains as  many plants as the number of rows. How many plants would be left out in this  arrangement?

  10.  Write a Pythagorean triplets using when the smallest member is 9. 

  11.  There are 2401 students in a school. P.T. teacher wants them to stand in rows & columns such that the   no. of rows to equal to the no. of columns. Find the number of rows. 

  12. 2025 plants are to be planted in a garden in such a way that each row contains as many plants as the number of rows. Find the number of rows and the number of plants in each row.

  13. Find the square root by division method 1024. 

  14. A gardener has 1000 plants. He wants to plant these in such a way that the number of rows and the number of columns remain same. Find the minimum number of plants he needs more for this.

  15.  Find the least number which must be subtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square. Also,  find the square root of the resulting number.  

  16. The students of Class VIII of a school donated Rs 2401 in all, for Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund. Each student donated as many rupees as the number of students in the class. Find the number of students in the class. 

  1. In a right triangle TRY  angle R = 90 , If TR = 8 cm,  RY = 6 cm find TY 

  2. Observe the following pattern and write the missing numbers. 

12 = 1 

112 = 121 

1112 = 12321 

11112 = ________ 

111112 = _________ 

Algebraic Expressions

  1. Simplify: (5 – x) (6 – 5x) (2 – x) 

  2. Find the Product of

  3. Simplify the following expressions : (i) (x + y + z)(x + y – z) (ii) x²(x – 3y²) – xy(y² – 2xy) – x(y³ – 5x²) (iii) 2x²(x + 2) – 3x (x² – 3) – 5x(x + 5)

  4.  Add the following polynomials (i) x + y + xy, x – z + yx, and z + x + xz (ii) 2x²y²– 3xy + 4, 5 + 7xy – 3x²y², and 4x²y² + 10xy (iii) -3a²b², (–5/2) a²b², 4a²b², and (⅔) a²b²

  5.  Subtract the following polynomials (i) (7x + 2) from (-6x + 8) (ii) 3xy + 5yz – 7xz + 1 from -4xy + 2yz – 2xz + 5xyz + 1 (iii) 2x²y²– 3xy + 4 from 4x²y² + 10xy

  6. Simplify 7x²(3x – 9) + 3 and find its values for x = 4 and x = 6 

  7. Add the following expressions  a) 9ax, +3by − cz , −5by + ax + 3cz  b) 7a2bc, −3abc2, 3a2bc, 2abc2 

  8. Add: p ( p – q), q ( q – r) and r ( r – p) 

  9. The product of a binomial and a monomial is a a) Monomial b) Binomial  c) Trinomial  d) None of these

  10. The product of ( -4/9 ) , ( x4y), ( xy3) and (x3y2) is___

  11. Find the product : (a2– 9)4a 

  12.  1824x + 1 = 0 , Find the value of ‘x’.   (a) 9/4 (b)-9/4 c)  4 (d) 5

  13. Find the product : a2(2ab – 5c

  14. The Degree of (x4+3x+1) (3x+1) is 

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

  1.  Which of the following is correct?

  2. Find the volume of the rectangular box whose length (l) = mn, breadth (b) = m2p, depth (d)= pmn2. A. m4n2p B.m4n3p2 C. m3n2p D. m3n2p2

  3. Find the value of the expression 3x (4x – 5) + 3 for x = 3 

  4. Find the product : 2x (3x + 5xy) 

  5. Coefficient of term xy22 in expression 22𝑥𝑦2 + 𝑥3– 𝑥5 + 𝑥𝑦2i is?

  6. Evaluate without actual multiplication:  (i) 98 x 10 2 (ii) (105) 2 

  7. Simplify: (i) (5x – 6) (2 x – 3) + (3 x + 5)2  (ii ) (2x + 5y) (2 x + 3y)  (b) Subtract: 3a (a + b + c ) – 2 b (a – b + c) from 4c ( – a + b + c )

  8. show that

  9.  Two adjacent side of a rectangle are 7x2 − 5y2 and x2 − 3xy .Find its area.

  10. Subtract 4p2q – 3pq + 5pq2 – 8p + 7q – 10 from 18 – 3p – 11q + 5pq – 2pq2 + 5p2

  11. Simplify: (a + b) (c d) + (a b) (c + d) + 2 (ac + bd

  12. Using (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab

  13. find (i) 103 × 104 (ii) 5.1 × 5.2 

  14. (a) Add: 7xy + 5yz – 3zx, 4yz + 9zx – 4y , –3xz + 5x – 2xy. (b) Subtract 5x2 – 4y2 + 6y – 3 from 7x2 – 4xy + 8y2 + 5x –3y

  15. Simplify: 3y(2y – 7) – 3(y – 4) – 63 and evaluate for y = – 2. 

  16. Solve for x,

  17. Using the Identity ( a - b )2, find 9992  

  18.  Find k if 0.7k – 1.9 = 0.3 ( k + 14 )  

Exponents and Powers

  1. Evaluate

  2.  Simplify

  3. Find the value of

  4. The distance between Sun and Saturn is 1,433,500,000,000 m. Express this distance  in standard form. 

  5. Evaluate

  6. Find the value of (2-1 -4-1)2  

  7. Find the value of (6-1 - 8-1)-1

  8. Express Charge of an electron is 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,16 coulomb in standard form. 

  9. Express Mass of Uranus = 86,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg in standard orm. 

  10.  Write 0.0000507 in standard form.  

  11. Express 81−2in the powers of 3 A. 38 B. (13)8 C. 3−6 D. (13)6 

  12. Simplify the expression, (a22 × a−12) × (b−10 × b20) A. (ab)10 B. a22 × b20 C(ab)12(ab)12D. a12 × b10 

  13. Value of is—

a) 54 b) 55 c) 56 d) 58 

  1. Write the following numbers in usual form: i) 100 × 7 + 10 × 9 + 1 × 8 ii) 1000 × 3 + 100 × 1 + 10 × 5 + 1 × 9

  2. Find m so that (–3)m + 1 × (–3)5 = (–3)7 

  3.  Find the value of (3^0 + 4^-1) × 2^2

  4. Simplify

  5. Express the number appearing in the following statements in standard form. (i) Sun is located 300,000,000,000,000,000,000 m from the centre of our Milky Way 

Galaxy. (ii) The distance between Sun and Saturn is 1,433,500,000,000 m (iii) Size of a bacteria is 0.0000005 m

Linear Equations in one variable

  1. In a two-digit number, the unit's digit is 7 more than the ten’s digit. Sum of the digits is  half of the whole number. Find the digits and number. 

  2. The denominator of a fraction is 1 more than double of the numerator. If both the  numerator and denominator are increased by 4; the fraction becomes 3/5, find the  fraction. 

  3. In a two-digit number, unit's digit is 3 more than the ten's digit. The number formed  by interchanging the digits and the original number are in the ratio 7 : 4. Find the  number. 

  4. Solve

  5. Solve

  6. Find the value of  k.

  7. Find the value of  x.

  8. Divide 64 into two parts such that three times the greater part will be equal to five  times the smaller one. 

  9. Solve: 7x – 9 = 16.

  10. Solve : 2y + 9 = 4

  11. Find the solution of 2x – 3 = 7.

  12. Which of the following shows three consecutive multiples of 8? (a) 8x, (x +8), (x +16) (c) 8x, 8x +8, x +16 (b) 8x, 8(x +1), 8(x + 2) (d) x, (x + 8), (x +16) 

  13. If m – 10 = -21, find m. 

  14. State whether the following equation is linear or not and solve it:

  15. A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the ratio of 5:2:4:3. If C gets Rs. 1000  more than D, what is B’s share?

  16. The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth. If the area of the rectangle 520 cm2. Find the  length and breadth of the rectangle. 

  17.  The sum of two numbers is 144. One of the numbers decreased the other by 81. Find the  numbers.

  18. Write the next step for the solution of linear equation

  19. Sum of the ages of Ganesh and Ramesh is 35. Ganesh is 5 years elder than Ramesh. Then find  the ages of Ramesh and Ganesh? 

  20. A cab driver charges a fare of Rs.300 for a journey of 175 km. How much would it travel for  Rs.320

  21.  If ‘x’ is subtracted from thrice the rational number 36to obtain the value of 25, then find the value  of x.

  22. The difference between two natural numbers is 196 and the ratio of the two numbers is 9:5. Find the two natural numbers.   

  23. Solve

  24. Solve for x :

  25. The sum of two numbers is 80 and their ratio is 3 : 5. Find the greatest amongst the  two numbers.

  26. Solve for x:  3(2x - 1) = 2(x + 4) +1

  1.  Solve for x:

  2. A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the ratio of 5:2:4: 3. If C gets Rs. 1000  more than D, what is B’s share

  3. The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth. If the area of the rectangle 520 Find the  length and breadth of the rectangle. 

  4.  The sum of two numbers is 144. One of the numbers decreased the other by 81. Find the  numbers.  

  5. Write the next step for the solution of linear equation

  6. Sum of the ages of Ganesh and Ramesh is 35. Ganesh is 5 years elder than Ramesh. Then find  the ages of Ramesh and Ganesh? 

  7.  A cab driver charges a fare of Rs.300 for a journey of 175 km. How much would it travel for  Rs.320

  8.  If ‘x’ is subtracted from thrice the rational number 36to obtain the value of 25, then find the value  of x.

  9. The difference between two natural numbers is 196 and the ratio of the two numbers is 9:5. Find the two natural numbers.   

  10.  Solve for x :

  11. One of the two digits of a two digit number is three times the other digit. If you interchange the digits of this two-digit number and add the resulting number to the original number, you get 88. What is the original number? 

  12. Sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 9. When we interchange the digits, it is found that the resulting new number is greater than the original number by 27. What is the two-digit number?

  13. The digits of a two-digit number differ by 3. If the digits are interchanged, and the resulting number is added to the original number, we get 143. What can be the original number? 

  14. Two men start from two towns 10 km apart. And walk towards each other .If the distance between them after 80 min is 2km if one man walks 3km /hr, how fast does  the other man walks.  

  15. Shriya is twice as old as Arjun. Five years ago her age was three times Arjun’s age.Find their present ages

  16. One of the angles of the triangle is equal to the sum of the other two angles. If the  ratio of other two angles is 4:5, find measures of all angles of the triangle 

  17. In an ATM if the currency notes of denominations of Rs.500/-, Rs.100/- and Rs.50/- respectively, the notes are in the ratio of 3:3:4. The total cash in the ATM is Rs.400,000/- How many notes of each  denominations that ATM contains? 

  18. Nine is added to two times a number gives four. Represent it by a linear equation in one variable. Also find solution.

  19.  Solve: 

  20. Solve:

  21. Solve:

  22. The sum of digit of two digit number is 15,if the number formed by reversing the digits is 

  23.  less than the original number by 27,find theoriginal  number

  24.  Two numbers are in ratio 5 : 3. If they differ by 18, what are the numbers? 

  25.  The ratio of the present ages of Sunil and his wife is 4 : 3. After 4 years, the ratio of their ages  will be 9 : 7. What is the present age of Sunil?  

Understanding Quadrilaterals

  1. The following quadrilateral is an isosceles trapezoidal. Find its perimeter.

  2. Two angles of a quadrilateral are of measures 75° each and the other two angles are  equal. What is the measure of either of these two equal angles?

  3. How many sides a nonagon has? 

  4. What is area of a rectangle whose perimeter is 169 cm and length is 12 cm? 

  5. State the name of a regular polygon of 5 sides.

  6.  Which of the following indicates “segments of equal length”

  7.  In a quadrilateral ‘Rock’ which of the following is a diagonal?  (a) RO (b) OK (c) OC (d) KR 

  8. The area of a trapezium is 34 cm2 and the length of one of the parallel sides is 10 cm and its height is 4 cm. Find the length of the other parallel side. 

  9. Find the area of a rhombus whose diagonals are of lengths 20 cm and 4.5 cm

  10. Find the area of a rhombus whose diagonals are of lengths 10 cm and 8.2 cm

  11. The diagonals of a rhombus are 7.5 cm and 12 cm. Find its area. 

  • Find x in the adjoining figure: 

  • Find x in the adjoining figure:

  • State the name of a regular polygon of 6 sides. 

  •  Find x in the adjoining figure: 

  •  Find the length of a diagonal of a square whose side is 2 cm.

  1.  If the longer side of a trapezium is 12 cm and the distance between the parallel sides is 6  cm. Find the smallest parallel side if the area of figure is 72 cm2

  2. How many sides does a regular polygon have if each of its interior angles is 165°?

  3. What is regular polygon? State the name of a regular polygon of 6 sides.

  4. Find the length of the altitude of a rhombus if lengths of its two diagonals are 12cm  and 16cm respectively.

  5. Find the angles of x, y and z in the figure given belo

  6. How many sides does a regular polygon have if the measure of an exterior angle is 24°?

  7.  Find the number of sides of a regular polygon whose each exterior angle has a measure of 45°.

  8. Find the perimeter of the Trapezium?

  9. Find the area of a rhombus whose side is 6 cm and whose altitude is 4 cm. If one of its diagonals is 8 cm long, find the length of the other diagonal. 

  10. Two adjacent angles of parallelogram are in the ratio 2:7, Find all the angles of parallelogram.


  1. If the smallest side of a trapezium is 10 m and distance between the two parallel sides of the  trapezium is 20 m and also its area is 480 m², then find the other side of the trapezium. 

  2. Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 25cm and 13cm the non parallel  sides are 10cm each 

  3.  Differentiate between Rectangle and square.

  4. How many sides does a regular polygon have if the measure of an exterior angle is 450

  5.  Two buildings are 20 m and 25 m high. If the buildings are 12 m apart, find the distance between  their tops.  

  6. F O L D is a rectangle. Its diagonals meet at pt. p find x,If it DO = 2x + 4, FL = 3x +1 

  7. ABCD is parallelogram, diagonals AC and BD  Intersect each other at point M,  

Show that: i)AMB CMD ii) AM=CM, BM=DM

  1.  In a parallelogram RUNS, (see below Figure), find the values of x and y. 

  2.  Find area of the below figure:

  1. In the below Figure, BEST is a parallelogram. Find the values x, y and z

  1.  In a parallelogram RING, (see below Figure) if mذR = 70°, find all the other angles. 

  1. The given figure HOPE is a parallelogram. Find the angle measures x, y and z. Also,  state the properties used.

  2. Find the value of x and y

  3. Find the area of following polygon, all dimensions are in meters.

  4. Find x and y in the given parallelogram.

  5. The measures of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio 3:2. Find the  measure of each of the angles of the parallelogram. 

  6. The diagonals of a quadrilateral are of lengths 6 cm and 8 cm. If the diagonals bisect each  other at right angles, what is the length of each side of the quadrilateral?  

  7. The diagonals of a rhombus are in the ratio 3:4 if its perimeter is 40cm, find the length of the diagonals of the rhombus. 

  8. Find the angle measure x in the following figure. x

  9. Diagram of the given picture frame has outer dimensions as 24cm × 28cm and inner  dimensions as 16cm × 20cm. Find the area of each section of the frame, if the width of  each section is same. 

  10. Find x in the figure?

Direct and Inverse Proportions

  1.  Janhavi types 480 words in 15 minutes. How many words would she type in 5  minutes? 

  2. The scale of a map is given as 1:30000000. Two cities are 4 cm apart on the map. Find the actual distance between them. 

  3. If 15 workers can build a wall in 48 hours, how many workers will be required to do the same work in 30 hours? 

  4. A school has 8 periods a day each of 45 minutes duration. How long would each period be, if the school has 9 periods a day, assuming the number of school hours to be the same? What is the importance of Education in our society? Write any two. 

  5. A train is moving at a uniform speed of 75 km/hour. (i) How far will it travel in 20 minutes? (ii) Find the time required to cover a distance of 250 km. 

  6.  If a box of sweets is divided among 24 children, they will get 5 sweets each. How many would each get, if the number of the children is reduced by 4? 

  7.  A farmer has enough food to feed 20 animals in his cattle for 6 days. How long would the food last if there were 10 more animals in his cattle?

  8. A 5m 60cm high pole casts a shadow of length 3m 20cm. a) Find at the same time the length of a shadow cast by another pole 10m 50cm high. b) Find the height of the pole if the length of the shadow is 6m 40cm. 

  9. In the following table, does x and y vary directly with each other? 






  1. If 6x pens cost Rs 12x²-36x, find the cost of one pen. 

  2. The cost of 6 balls is Rs. 42. What would be the cost of 10 balls, 15 balls and 20 balls?  Write them in the form of a table. 

  3. Quantities u and v vary directly and when u = 12 and v = 16. Which of the following  is not a possible pair of corresponding values of u and v?  (i) 6 and 8  (ii) 15 and 20 (iii) 18 and 22. 

  4. A machine in a soft drink factory fills 840 bottles in six hours. How many bottles will it fill in two hours?

  5.  If the weight of 12 sheets of thick paper is 40 grams, how many sheets of the same paper would weigh 2 ½ kilograms? 

  6. A machine in a soft drink factory fills 600 bottles in six hours. How many bottles will it fill in five hours?  

  7. The cost of 5 metres of a particular quality of cloth is Rs 210. Find the cost 2 metres of the same cloth. 

  8. A pipe that  lls 25% of a tank in 1 hour will  ll it completely in ______ hours.  

  9.  The cost of 10 pencils is Rs. 30. What is the cost of 13 pencils. 

  10. Sanjay is making a wheel using spokes. He wants to  x equal spokes in such a way that the angles between any pair of consecutive spokes are equal. Help him by completing the following table:  a) Are the number of spokes and the angles formed between the pair of consecutive spokes in inverse proportion?  b) Calculate the angle between a pair of consecutive spokes on a wheel with 15 spokes.  c) How many spokes would be needed if the angle between a pair of consecutive spokes is 40°? 


  1.  Factorise  a) (x2 + y2) (x2– y2)  b) (a2 + b2)2 c) (x − y)2 = (x + y)2 d) (2x– 5y)(2x– 5y)  (e) 3x2 + 7x + 14 + 6x 

  2. Find the factors of the equation a² + 8a + 16. 

  3. 4x2 - 9y2 = ?  

  4. If p=2q+6, then what is the value of p3 − 8q3 − 36pq − 216? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 

  5. Factorise: ax + bx – ay – by 

  6. Factorise: 5 x2y – 15 xy2 

  7. Factorise: 14pq + 35pqr 

  8. Factorise : a2 – 2ab + b2c2 

  9. What values of (x, y) satisfy the given equation x3 − 2x2y + 2xy2 − y2 = 0 A. (1, 1) B. (1, 2) C. (2, 1) D. (3, 1) 

  10. If x2+2x+3 is divided by x-1 then the remainder is a) 1 b) 4 c) -3 d) none of these 

  11. Factorize 25x3y – 81xy  

  12. Simplify 49x2 – 169y

  13. Verify that (5x + 8)2 – 160x = (5x – 8)2  

  14. Evaluate using suitable identity: 1.05 × 9.5. 

  15. Find the factors of 16l2 + 24lm + 9m2

  16. Factorise: 5y2 – 20y – 8z + 2yz 

  17. Factorise: a4 – 2a2b2 + b4 

  18. Divide using factor method

  19. State whether or not 2x + 3 is a factor of 6x3 +19x2 +13x – 3 

  20. Factorise then divide

  21.  Factorise: 16a2 – 25b2 + 60 bc – 36c2 

  22.  Factorize the following expressions:  a) a4 – b4  b) p4 – 81 c) x4 – (x – z)4   d) a4 – 2a²b² + b4 

  23. Factorise: x4 – (y + z)4 

  24. Factorise: m4– 256 b) x2+ xy + 8x + 8y 

  25. Find the highest common factor of 16x 3, -4x2, 32x

  26. Factorise x2 – 14x + 13 

  27. Work out the following divisions: (i) (7 x2 + 14x) ÷ (x + 2) (ii) 5pq (p2 – q2) ÷ 2p (p + q) 

  28. Find the values of the following (a) 912 − 232 (b) 101 × 99 (c) 9992 

  29. Use the Identity (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab to find the following: (i) 501 × 502 (ii) 95 × 103 

  30.  Divide z(5z2 – 80) by 5z(z + 4) 

  31.  Simplify (x2 + 2x + 3)(x2 − 3)(x − 1)

  32. Factorise the expressions and divide them as directed.  (i) (5p2 – 25p + 20) ÷ (p – 1) (ii) 4yz(z2 + 6z – 16) ÷ 2y(z + 8)

  33. Factorise the expressions and divide as directed: (y2 + 7y + 10) ÷ (y + 5) 

  34. Factorise (i) 6xy – 4y + 6 – 9x (ii) x2 + x y + 8x + 8y

  35. Factorise the expressions and divide them as directed.  (i) (y2 + 7y + 10) ÷ (y + 5) (ii) (m2 – 14m – 32) ÷ (m + 2) 


  1. Find the height of cuboid whose volume is 800 cm3, length is 20 cm and breadth is  10 cm.

  2. What is the volume of a cube with side 10 cm? 

  3. Find the surface area of a cube having edge l units. 

  4. TSA of a prism = LSA + 2 x _____

  5. The maximum length of pencil that can be placed in a rectangular box of dimensions 8cm x 6cm x 2cm is a) 2√13 cm b) 2√14 cm c) 2√26 cm d) 3√26 cm 

  6. .If the length , breadth ,depth of the cuboid is 19 cm. and its diagonal is 5√5 cm and then  its surface area is a) 216 b) 236 c) 256 d) 276

  7. The edge of a cube is 2 cm. Find the total surface area of the cuboid formed by three  such cubes joined edge to edge. 

  8. A solid iron pole consists of a cylinder of height 220 cm and base diameter 24 cm,  which is surmounted by another cylinder of height 60 cm and radius 8 cm. Find the  mass of the pole, given that 1 cm3 of iron has approximately 8g mass.  (Use = 3.14)

  9. The perimeter of the floor of a room is 50 m and its height is 2.5 m. Find the area of  four walls of the room. 

  10. A village has a population of 5000. It requires 120 liters of water per head per day. It  has a tank measuring 20 m by 20 m by 3 m. For how many days the water of this tank will last? 

  11. The diagonal of quadrilateral shaped field is 24 m and the perpendicular dropped on it from the remaining opposite vertices are 8 m and 13 m. Find the area of the field.

  12. The dimensions of a room are 16 × 14 × 10 meters. There are 4 windows of 1.3 m × 1.4 cm and 2  doors of 2m × 1m. What will be the cost of white washing the walls and painting the doors and  windows, if the rate of white washing is Rs.5 per sq.m and rate of painting is Rs.8 per sq.m. 

  13.  An athletic track 14 m wide consists of two straight sections 120 m long joining semi-circular  ends whose inner radius is 35 m. calculate the area of the shaded region. 

  14. A well with 10m inside diameter is dug 14m deep. Earth taken out of it is spread all around to a width of 5m to form embankment. Find height embankment. 

  15. A cubical box with lid has a length 45cm find the cost of painting inside and outside of the box at Rs.150 per sq. m. 

  16.  A milk tank is in the form of a cylinder whose radius is 1.5 m and length is 7m.  Find the quantity of milk in litres that can be stored in the tank.  

  17. Find the height of a cuboid whose volume is 275cm and base area is 25 cm²

  18. The dimensions of a room are 16 × 14 × 10 meters. There are 4 windows of 1.3 m × 1.4 cm and 2  doors of 2m × 1m. What will be the cost of white washing the walls and painting the doors and  windows, if the rate of white washing is Rs.5 per m2 and rate of painting is Rs.8 per m2.

  19. An aquarium is in the form of a cuboid whose external measures are 80 cm x 30 cm x 40 cm. The base, side faces and back face are to be covered with the coloured paper.  Find the area of paper needed.

  20. In a building there are 24 cylindrical pillars. The radius of each pillar is 28 cm and height is 4 m. Find the total cost of painting the curved surface area of all pillars at the rate of Rs 8 per m2

  21.  A road roller takes 750 complete revolutions to move once over to level a road. Find the area of the road if the diameter of a road roller is 84 cm and length is 1 m. 

  22. Nala is painting the walls and ceiling of a cuboidal hall with length, breadth and height of 15 m, 10 m and 7 m respectively. From each can of paint 100 m2 of area is painted. How many cans of paint will she need to paint the room? 

  23.  A milk tank is in the form of cylinder whose radius is 1.5 m and length is 7 m. Find the quantity of milk in litres that can be stored in the tank? What are advantages of drinking milk? 

  24. Find the volume of a cube if its total surface area is 150cm2

  25. Water is pouring into a cuboidal reservoir at the rate of 60 litres per minute. If the volume of reservoir is 108 m3, find the number of hours it will take to fill the reservoir. What are the advantages of reservoir for farmer? 

  26. The height and radius of a cylinder are in the ratio 7:5 and its volume is 550cm3.Find the radius of its base  

  27. What will be the labor charges for digging a cubical pit of 8 m at the rate of Rs.15 per m3.

  28. How many cubes of side length 6 cm can be obtained from a cube whose edge is 12 cm? 

  29. A suitcase with measures 80 cm × 48 cm × 24 cm is to be covered with a tarpaulin cloth. How many metres of tarpaulin of width 96 cm is required to cover 100 such suitcases? 

  30. The area of a trapezium shaped field is 480 sq.m, the distance between two parallel sides is 15 m and one of the parallel side is 20 m. Find the other parallel side. 

  31. Find the lateral surface area of a right circular cylinder, if it has base diameter 6cm and its height is 12cm. 

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