Friday, March 8, 2024

Class 8 Practice Test for the Chapters Profit and Loss and Percentage

 Practice  Test -1

Class- 8                                            Subject - Maths                                     Marks : 50 marks  

Chapters - Profit and Loss & Percentage                                    

Section A  

  1. Waheeda bought an air cooler for Rs. 3300 including a tax of 10%. The price of the air cooler before VAT was added is:-----

  2. A shopkeeper purchased 300 bulbs for Rs 10 each. However 10 bulbs were fused and had to be thrown away. The remaining were sold at Rs 12 each. Find the gain or loss % —---

  3. A shopkeeper purchased 500 pieces for Rs 20 each. However 50 pieces were spoiled in the way and had to be thrown away. The remaining were sold at Rs 25 each. Find the gain or loss %.  —-

  4. The present population of a town is 25000. It grows at 4%, 5% and 8% during first year, second year and third year respectively. Find the population after 3 years. —-

  5.  A trader marks his goods at 40% above the cost price and allows a discount of 25%. What is his gain?

  6.    A dealer purchased a washing for Rs. 7660. He allows a discount of 12% on its marked price and still gains 10%. Find the marked price of the machine.

  7. A vendor bought oranges at Rs. 20 for Rs. 56 and sold them at Rs. 35 per dozen. Find his gain or loss percent.

  8. In a computer lab, there are 3 computers for every 6 students. How many computers will be needed for 24 students?

  9. A picnic is being planned in a school for CLASS VIII. Girls are 60% of the total number of students and are 18 in number. The ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys in the class 

  10. Divide 15 sweets between Shiva and Rama so that they get 20 % and 80 % of them respectively.

Section B

  1. Ramesh bought two boxes for Rs 1300. He sold one box at a profit of 20% and the other box at a loss of 12%. If the selling price of both boxes is the same, find the cost price of each box.

  2.  If the selling price of 10 pens is equal to cost price of 14 pens, find the gain percent.

  3. By selling 90 ball pens for Rs 160 a person loses 20%. How many ball pens should be sold for Rs 96 so as to have profit of 20%?

  4. A dishonest shopkeeper professes to sell pulses at his cost price but uses a false weight of 950 gm for each kilogram. Find his gain percent.

  5. The difference between two selling prices of a shirt at profits of 4% and 5% is Rs 6. Find

(i) C.P. of the shirt (ii) The two selling prices of the shirt.

  1. A retailer buys a cooler for Rs 1200 and overhead expenses on it are Rs 40. If he sells the cooler for Rs 1550, determine his profit percent.

  2.  Ravish sold his motorcycle to Vineet at a loss of 28%. Vineet spent Rs 1680 on its repairs and sold the motor cycle to Rahul for Rs 35910, thereby making a profit of 12.5%, find the cost price of the motor cycle for Ravish.

  3. By selling a book for Rs 258, a bookseller gains 20%. For how much should he sell it to gain 30%?

  4. A defective briefcase costing Rs 800 is being sold at a loss of 8%. If the price is further reduced by 5%, find its selling price.

  5. A tricycle is sold at a gain of 16%. Had it been sold for Rs 100 more, the gain would have been 20%. Find the C.P. of the tricycle.


  1. A coolie deposits Rs 150 per month in his post office Savings Bank account. If this is 15% of his monthly income, find his monthly income.

  2. Asha got 86.875% marks in the annual examination. If she got 695 marks, find the total number of marks of the examination.

  3. Deepti went to school for 216 days in a full year. If her attendance is 90%, find the number of days on which the school was opened.

  4. Balanced diet should contain 12% of proteins, 25% of fats and 63% of carbohydrates. If a child needs 2600 calories in this food daily, find in calories the amount of each of these in his daily food intake.

  5. A cricketer hit 120 runs in 150 balls during a test match. 20% of the runs came in 6’s, 30% in 4’s, 25% in 2’s and the rest in 1’s. How many runs did he score in (i) 6’s (ii) 4’s (iii) 2’s (iv) singles What % of his shots were scoring ones?

  6. An alloy contains 32% copper, 40% nickel and rest zinc. Find the mass of the zinc in 1 kg of the alloy.

  7. Rs 3500 is to be shared among three people so that the first person gets 50% of the second, who in turn gets 50% of the third. How much will each of them get?

  8. The population of a town increases by 10% annually. If the present population is 60000, what will be its population after 2 years?

  9. The value of a machine depreciates every year by 5%. If the present value of the machine be Rs 100000, what will be its value after 2 years?

  10. A motorist travelled 122 kilometers before his first stop. If he had 10%of his journey to complete at this point, how long was the total ride?

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