Ideas for Class 9 Maths Holiday Homework

  •  Ideas for Class 9 Maths Holiday Homework


  • Complete your notebook.

  • Make a project/ model on PYTHAGORAS THEOREM and prepare for viva.

  • Write and learn all formulas of chapter – 1, 2, and 3.

  • Prepare for test after vacation (1st, 2nd and 3rd chapter).

  •  Solve Maths Mid Term Exam paper.

  •  Verify experimentally the different criteria for congruency of triangle using triangle cut-outs. (Activity 14)

  •  Verify that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°. (Activity 15)

  • Verify exterior angle property of a triangle.(Activity 16)

  • Draw histograms for classes of equal widths and varying widths. (Activity 32)

  • Solve Maths Periodic Test 2 paper.

  • Verify experimentally the different criteria for congruency of triangle using triangle cut-outs. (Activity 14)

  • Verify that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°. (Activity 15)

  • Verify exterior angle property of a triangle.(Activity 16)

  • Scrap book – Interesting Mathematical facts from Magazines, News Papers etc.,

  • Project - Graphs in day to day life.

  • Solve Suduko, Magic Square, Mathematical Riddles, Puzzles and Brain Teasers. (each 2)

  • Prepare for Periodic Test.

  •  (8.Quadrilaterals, 9. Circles, 12.Heron’s formula, 13. Surface areas and volumes)

  • Complete Subject enrichment Activities

  • Project: Favourite chapter in Mathematics and its uses in daily life situations.

  • Complete chapter 2 and write in your notebook.

  • Write a write-up /project on any one mathematician from internet or any book  about 5 pages.

  • Simplify (x+y+z)2 – (x+y-z)2

  • Factorize 9x2+y2+z2 -6xy+2y-6zx

  • Simplify 1218-620-350+845

  • If x=3-2 find the value of (x+ 1x)3

  • If x= 2+5 find the value of (x2-1x2)

  • Represent 4.2 on number line

  • Show that (xa-b)a+b.(xb-c)b+c.xc-ac+a=1

  • If 5-35+3=a+b3 find a and b.

  • Evaluate using identity  (999)3

  • Find the value of x3+y3-12xy+64 when X+Y= -- 4 .

  • If the polynomial P(x) = x4-2x2+3x2-9x+8 is divided by (x-2), it leaves a remainder 10 , find “a”.

  • The polynomial Kx3 +3x2-8 and 3x3-5x+k are divided by x+2. If the remainder in each case is the same , find the value of k.

  •   Simplify the following: (a) (√5 − 4√7)(√7 + 3√5)          (b) (√11 − 4)(√2 + 3)     

  •  (c) (6√5 − 2√3)(3√5 − 2√5) (d) (11√2 + √2)(√2 + 3√2)

  •  Find the value of p and q if 

  • 7-37+3+7+37-3=p-q3

  • Class – 9 Subject – Maths

  • Do the Assignments in A4 sheet / ruled sheet / notebook.

  • Making practical models for different topics.

  • Activity: To represent some irrational numbers on the number line.

  • Represent  the following Irrational Numbers on the Number Line.

  • a) √2 b) √3 c) √5

  • d) √13 e) √9.3 f) 1+ √9.5

  • Project in History of Mathematics

  •  a) Indian Mathematician and his/her Contributions in Mathematics

  • b) History of the number Ï€

  • SUDUKO: Collect suduko from any Newspaper, Magazine and solve it

  • To verify experimentally that the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360º. (Activity 17)

  • To verify that the angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre is double the angle subtended by it at any point on the remaining part of the circle.( Activity 22)

  • To verify that the angles in the same segment of a circle are equal. (Activity 23)

  • To verify that the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary (Activity 24)

  • Do any 1 project from the given topics

  • Prepare for Periodic Test.

  •  (8.Quadrilaterals, 9. Circles, 12.Heron’s formula, 13. Surface areas and volumes)

  • Complete Subject enrichment Activities

  • Project: Favourite chapter in Mathematics and its uses in daily life situations.

  • Collect interesting Mathematical facts from Media, Newspaper, Magazine etc.,

  • Draw root spiral

  • Divide a Line Segment into Number of Equal Parts.

  • Divide a Thin Strip of Paper into Number of Equal Parts.

  • Represent an Irrational Number on the Number Line.

  • Verify the Identity a³ + b³ =(a+b)(a² -ab+b²)

  • Verify the Identity a³ – b³ =(a-b)(a² + ab+b²)

  • verify the identity (a+b)³ = a³+b³+ 3a²b + 3ab²

  • Verify the Algebraic Identity (a – b)³ = a³ – b³ – 3ab (a – b)

  • Algebraic Identity (a2 – b2) = (a – b)(a + b)

  • Verify the Algebraic Identity (a+b)2 = a2+b2+ 2ab

  • Draw root spiral

  • To represent some irrational numbers on the number line

  • Represent  the following Irrational Numbers on the Number Line.

  • a) 2 b) 3 c) 5

  • d) 13 e) 9.3 f) 1+ 9.5

  • Project in History of Mathematics

  •  a) Indian Mathematician and his/her Contributions in Mathematics

  • b) History of the number Ï€

  • Objective Investigation of various historical aspects of the number Ï€. 

  • Description 

  • Knowledge about Ï€ in various ancient civilizations. 

  •  Approximations for Ï€

  •  Circle and Ï€. 

  • Famous mathematical problems featuring Ï€.


  • Collect suduko from any Newspaper, Magazine and solve it

  • Collect interesting Mathematical facts from Media, Newspaper, Magazine etc.,

  • Draw root spiral

  • Represent an Irrational Number on the Number Line.

  • Algebraic Identity (a2 – b2) = (a – b)(a + b)

  • Verify the Algebraic Identity (a+b)2 = a2+b2+ 2ab

  • Verify the Algebraic Identity (a-b)2 = a2+b2+ 2ab

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