Monday, March 11, 2024

Ideas for Class 7 Maths Holiday Homework

  •  Ideas for Class 7 Maths Holiday Homework

  • NOTE: DO IT IN A4 SIZE PAPER with your creative idea

  • QUESTION 1: Make the butterfly beautiful

  •  Draw butterfly as shown in sample.

  • 1. Use red colour for negative integer and green colour for positive integer.

  • 2. For every integer, use one geometrical figure.

  •  Complete the design of butterfly wings as shown in example.

  • QUESTION 2 : The jumping frog

  • Represent the given situation diagrammatically and mathematically.

  • Use different colours for positive and negative integers.

  •  In how many jumps will he come out of the well?

  •  Which value do you learn from the frog?

  • Situation:

  • A frog is there in a 12m deep well. The frog wants to jump out of the well. Every time he jumps 3m and falls back by1m.

  • QUESTION 3 : Play with balls

  • Students are supposed to take two different coloured sketch pens, same number of identical balls are to be drawn for one integer as indicated. 

  • example. (We know –ve symbol means opposite/change of colour)

  • Example:

  • Let, Green for +ve integer

  • Red for –ve integer

  • 1) 2 x 3 (2 times 3)

  • 2) –2 x (–3) {–2 times (–3)} {6}

  • Show the following in the form of pictures of balls.

  • i) –3 x 4 ii) 2 x –4

  • iii) –3 x –4 iv) 4 x 5

  • QUESTION 4: Supermarket sale

  • In the super market there are five shopkeepers A, B, C, D,E. If shopkeeper A sells his 2/3 of products in a day, B sells 3/7 of products, C sells 4/5 of products in a day, D sells 5/6 of products in a day and E sells 7/8 of products in a day, who sells more products in a day? Cut 5 equal circles and represent each fraction on the circles and find

  • the largest fraction and the smallest fraction.

  • QUESTION 5 : Tangram 

  • 1. Draw a big square. Convert into four small squares by paper folding activity. Now we can see each part is 1/4 of the whole. Again you can divide figure into other parts as directed in

  • the figure and decide the value of each part.

  • QUESTION 6 : Plan your junk food

  • Take a small packet of wafers. List out the ingredients with their weights and calories.

  •  Find out total calories consumption.

  •  Convert the weight of each ingredient in fraction and then decimal.

  •  Why should we avoid junk food? Name any two healthy foods.

  •  Solve Maths Mid Term Exam paper.

  •  Draw altitudes of a triangle using paper folding.

  •  Verify that exterior angles property of a triangle.

  •  Multiply two decimals using a grid through activity.            

  • When the integers 10, 0, 5, -5,-7 are arranged in descending or ascending order, then find out which of the following integers always remains in the middle of the arrangement.
    (a)  0      (b) 5       (c) – 7        (d) -5

  • By observing the number line, state which of the following statements is not true?

  • NCERT Exemplar Problems Class 7 Maths - Integers-2

  • a) B is greater than -10           (b) A is greater than 0           

  •   (c) B is greater than A          (d) 6 is smaller than

  •           By observing the above number line, state which of the following statements is        true?

  • (a) B is 2            (b) A is – 4                (c) S is -13                 (d) B is – 4

  •          Next three consecutive numbers in the pattern 11, 8, 5, 2,______ ,__ ,__ are
    (a) 0, – 3, – 6           (b)-1,-5,-8            (c) – 2, — 5, – 8       (d)-1,-4,-7

  •         Which of the following statements is not true?                                                                   ;

  • (a) When two positive integers are added, we always get a positive integer.
    (b) When two negative integers are added, we always get a negative integer.
    (c) When a positive integer and a negative integer are added, we always get a negative integer.
    (d) Additive inverse of an integer 2 is (-2) and additive inverse of (-2) is 2.

  •  On the following number line value, ‘zero’ is shown by the pointNCERT Exemplar Problems Class 7 Maths - Integers-7

  • (a) X                          (b) Y                          (c) Z                           (d) W

  •  The value of 5 + (- 1) does not lie between
    (a) 0 and -10             (b) 0 and 10              (c) – 4 and -15       (d) – 6 and 6

  •  NCERT Exemplar Problems Class 7 Maths - Integers-8

  •  Water level in a well was 20 m below ground level. During rainy season, rainwater collected in different water tanks was drained into the well and the water level rises 5 m above the previous level. The wall of the well is lm 20cm high and a pulley afixed at a height of 80 cm. Raghu wants to draw water from the well. The minimum length of the rope, that he can use isNCERT Exemplar Problems Class 7 Maths - Integers-11

  • Fill in the blanks: -
    i. A fraction is a number which can be written in the form a/b, where a, b are   _____numbers and b ≠ 0.
    ii. If numerator and denominator of a fraction have no common factor other than 1, then the fraction is said to be in its________________ form.
    iii. if cd=m×am×bcd=m×am×b ,then fractions abab and cdcd  are called_____________ fractions because they represent the _________portion of the whole.
    iv. The value of the product of two proper fractions is__________ than each of the two fractions.
    v. The product of two improper fractions is__________________ than the two fractions.
    vi. A fraction whose denominator is any of the numbers 10,000, 1000 etc, called a____________
    vii. 11.5 ÷ _______________ =1.
    viii. If 312.5 ÷ 25 = 12.5, then value of 125 ÷ 25 is_____________.
    ix. The product of a proper and an improper fraction is____________ than the improper fraction and __________then the proper fraction.
    x. When a decimal number is multiplied by 10,000 or 1000 the digits in the product are same as in the decimal number but the decimal point in the product is shifted to the ___________by as, many of places as there are zeros over one.

    State true / false.
    i. A decimal fraction is a fraction where the denominator is 10 or higher power of 10.
    ii. Every integer can be expressed as a fraction.
    iii. Like decimals have the same number of decimal places.
    iv. Natural numbers can be expressed as a proper fraction.
    v. The reciprocal of 2727 is 7272
    vi. The reciprocal of a proper fraction is a proper fraction.
    vii. The reciprocal of an improper fraction is an improper fraction
    viii. The product of 7 and 364364 is 31123112

  • A fruit seller buys 712 fruits, of which 3/4 are apples. Of all the apples that he bought, 1/3 were found to be rotten. If he sold all the good apples at Rs. 514514 each. How much money did he receive on selling all the good apples.

  • The picture interprets


  • a. 3×1/4         b. 3÷1/4        c. 1/4÷3        d. 3×3/4

  • The picture interprets 


  • a. 4×1/4            b. 4÷1/4        c. 1/4÷4

  •   PISA based question

  •                                                  PIZZA

  • Riya, Teena and John are three friends. They meet after long time. They go to enjoy PIZZA together. While Riya wants capsicum and onion as toppings in her pizza, John wants mushroom and pepperoni and Teena wants to have black olives and capsicum. After much discussion they finally agree to have a combination of all the toppings with equal number of pieces of each type.

  •                                            C:\Users\hi20039235\Pictures\Pizza-Counting-1.jpg

    • What is the fraction of mushrooms in all the toppings in this pizza? 

    • If there are total 20 pieces of capsicum and fraction of capsicum pieces is 1/5 of total toppings, find the total number of pieces of all the toppings in the pizza.

  •         Find the fraction of choice of Riya’s toppings in Pizza.

    • What is the sum of fractions of all the five toppings?

  •                                                           ANIMAL SHELTER

  •                                   C:\Users\hi20039235\Desktop\cat.jpg

  • Priya is an animal lover. She loves animals and takes care of them whenever she gets time. She loves to spend her free time with them. There is an animal shelter near her house, which she visits regularly. In this shelter there are total 150 animals.  4/6 of these animals are cats .Of the cats ½ are male. 

  • How many total cats are there in the shelter?

  •         How many total female cats are there in the shelter? 

    • What fractions of animals at the shelter are male cat?

  •        What is the number of total animals other than cats in the shelter?

  •  Multiply integers using unit squares of different colours.

  •       Add : 95 + ( - 72) + 87 +  ( -20) + 5 2)    

  •  Find the product using suitable property :

  •  126  X (-138 ) +  ( -138 ) X ( - 26) .Name the property used   

  •    Simplify : ( -90) +[( -125) ÷( - 25) ]+ 95  4)      Simplify : 6  - [6 - {6  -  ( 6 – 7 -3 ) 

  •       Find the value of (- 38 )× (-  4 )

  •       Find : -3X 2   + 2   + 1 

  •       A square play ground is 150  m long. Find its area ?

  •       A group of students arranged a  picnic. Each student contributed Rs. 61 The total contribution was Rs.676. How many students are there in the group?

  •   By selling oranges at the rate of Rs.3 per orange, a man gets Rs.210.How many oranges are there?

  •   A film lasted for 3 hours .out of this time 1 hours was spent on advertisement. What is the actual duration of the film? 

  •   Find the difference :  54355 - 2.08797  

  •   Add :  567 + 23 + 0.334 + 6.3 

  •   What should be added to 558  , to get 83? 

  •   Subtract  1456  from 28 16)  Divide :    49.2 ÷  6

  •  Ram weighs 91.8 Kg. What will be his weight after losing 21.5 kg?  

  •  A wire is 3/10 m long. It is divided into 2 equal parts. What is the length of each part?

  •  Find the value of 5/8 X 11/2÷ 15/16 

  •  Simplify 6 1/2 ÷4 1/3 -1/2 

  •  Find the area of square whose each side is 19/5 cm.  

  •  Find the value of 4/15 X {1/4+5/6}    21). Find the difference between 3/5 of 30 km and 2/3 of 30 km.

  • Project:--

  • 1.) Write all the properties of integers with examples.

  •  Define all type of frations with examples.

  •  Learn and   write    tables   from 2 to 20 .

  •  Learn and write squares   from 1 to  15 .

  •  Learn and write cubes from 1 to  10.

  • Write the difference types of triangle on the basis of sides .

  •    Find all the numbers of number system from 0 to 10 .

  •  Find the sum of smallest prime number and smallest composite number .

  •   Find the difference between smallest natural number and smallest whole number . 








  • Instructions:  a) Do your work neatly            b) Learn tables till 25

  •                            C)   LEARN COUNTING TILL 100 IN HINDI.

    • Complete your notebook.

    • Make a project/ model on “Mathematics around us “.

    • Prepare for test after vacation (1st, 2nd and 3rd chapter).

  •                                  SOLVE QUESTION IN SEPARATE NOTBOOK

  •                                              1. Knowing More about Fractions • 

  •  Do the Assignments in A4 sheet / ruled sheet / notebook.

  •  Read and Write Multiplication tables 2 to 12.

  •  Collect Interesting Mathematical facts from Magazines, News Papers etc., (any 5)

  •  Collect Suduko, Magic Square, Mathematical Riddles, Puzzles and Brain Teasers from any Newspaper, Magazine and solve it. (any 1)

  •  To obtain a formula for the area of the circle. (Activity 52)

  •  To add two algebraic expressions using different strips of card board. (Activity 54)

  •  To obtain formula for the area of a parallelogram ( Activity 66)

  • To make a rhombus by paper folding and cutting ( Activity 67)

  •  Prepare for Periodic Test.

  •  Complete Learner’s Diary, ML and Subject enrichment Activities

  •  Project: Favourite Topic in Mathematics and its uses in daily life situations.

  •  Do any 1 project from the given topics

  •  Project – Mathematics in daily life.

  • How to do: - Conduct a survey of 25 families of your locality and collect data that 

  • ✓ How many families have four wheeler?   

  • ✓ How many families have two wheeler? 

  • ✓ How many families have both four wheeler and two wheeler? 

  • ✓ How many families have Bicycle?

  •  Calculate the fraction of data collected to that of total number of families in all the four parts. Also represent those fractions on different circles and paste them.

  •                                                       2. Reviewing Lines and Angles •

  •  How to do: - Take a political Map of India, draw the following line segments and answer the questions that follow:

  •  ✓ Join Srinagar to Thiruvanthpuram and name it AB 

  • ✓ Imphal to Gandhinagar and name it CD.       ✓ Itanagar to Simla and name it EF. 

  • ✓ Patna to Chennai and name it GH. 

  • Questions: 2  (i) which is the shortest line segment?

  •  (ii) Which line segment passes through Arabian Sea? 

  • (iii) Which line segment passes through a country other than India?

  •  (iv) Which line segment passes through the maximum states? 

  • (v) Join the line segments CD and EF and the point of intersection as XY, then name supplementary angles, opposite angles and adjacent angles. 

  •  Mathematical Greetings What to do: - Make a colorful greeting card of size 15cm × 12cm on the following topic according to your roll number. 

  •  Roll No. 1-20 Properties of Integers      

  •  Different types of fractions Roll No.(21-42) 

  •  Let’s Explore The Real World. What to do :- Help your mother to purchase grocery from nearby Grocery Shop. Purchase few items from there and paste the bill received. Verify the bill amount by doing the manual calculations. 

  • When the integers 10, 0, 5, -5,-7 are arranged in descending or ascending order, then find out which of the following integers always remains in the middle of the arrangement.
    (a)  0      (b) 5       (c) – 7        (d) -5

  • By observing the number line, state which of the following statements is not true?

  • NCERT Exemplar Problems Class 7 Maths - Integers-2

  • a) B is greater than -10         (b) A is greater than 0    


  •       (c) B is greater than A          (d) None

  • By observing the above number line, state which of the following statements is  true?

  • (a) B is 2     (b) A is – 4      (c) S is -13         (d) B is – 4

  •  Next three consecutive numbers in the pattern 11, 8, 5, 2,___ ,__ ,__ are

  • (a) 0, – 3, – 6     (b)-1,-5,-8 (c) – 2, — 5, – 8   (d)-1,-4,-7

  • Which of the following statements is not true?                                                       

  • (a) When two positive integers are added, we always get a positive integer.
    (b) When two negative integers are added, we always get a negative integer.
    (c) When a positive integer and a negative integer are added, we always get a negative integer.
    (d) Additive inverse of an integer 2 is (-2) and additive inverse of (-2) is 2.

  • On the following number line value, ‘zero’ is shown by the pointNCERT Exemplar Problems Class 7 Maths - Integers-7

  • (a) X               (b) Y                (c) Z                    (d) W

  • The value of 5 + (- 1) does not lie between

  • (a) 0 and -10       (b) 0 and 10    

  •  (c) – 4 and -15       (d) – 6 and 6

  •  NCERT Exemplar Problems Class 7 Maths - Integers-8

  • Water level in a well was 20 m below ground level. During rainy season, rainwater collected in different water tanks was drained into the well and the water level rises 5 m above the previous level. The wall of the well is lm 20cm high and a pulley afixed at a height of 80 cm. Raghu wants to draw water from the well. The minimum length of the rope, that he can use isNCERT Exemplar Problems Class 7 Maths - Integers-11

  • Using number line, find:
    (i) 3 × (-5)
    (ii) 8 × (-2)

  • Solve the following:
    (i) (-8) × (-5) + (-6)
    (ii) [(-6) ÷ (-3)] + (-4)
    (iii) (-10) × [(-13) + (-10)]
    (iv) (-5) × [(-6) - 5]

  • You have ₹ 500 in your saving account at the beginning of the month. The record below shows all of your transactions during the month. How much money is in your account after these transactions?

  • Integers Class 7 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1 Q10

  • The given table shows the freezing points in °F of different gases at sea level. Convert each of these into °C to the nearest integral value using the relations and complete the table
    C = 5/9 ( F -32)

  • Integers Class 7 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1 Q11

  • Taking today as zero on the number line, if the day before yesterday is 17 January, what is the date on 3 days after tomorrow?

  • Social Studies Application remembering that 1AD came immediately after 1 BC, while solving following problems take 1BC as -1 and 1AD as + 1.
    (a) The Greeco-Roman era, when Greece and Rome ruled Egypt, started in the year 330 BC and ended in the year 395 AD. How long did this era last?
    (b) haskaracharya was born in the year 1114 AD and died in the year 1185 AD. What was his age when he died?
    (c) Turks ruled Egypt in the year 1517 AD and Queen Nefertis ruled . Egypt about 2900 years, before the Turks ruled. In what year did she rule?
    (d) Greek Mathematician Archimedes lived between 287 BC and 212 BC and Aristotle lived between 380 BC and 322 BC. Who lived during an earlier period?

  • The table shows the lowest recorded temperatures for each continent. Write the continents in order from the lowest recorded temperature to the highest recorded temperature.

  • The Lowest Recorded Temperatures

  • Continent

  • Temperature (in Fahrenheit)

  • Africa

  • -11°

  • Antarctica

  • -129°

  • Asia

  • -90°

  • Australia

  • -9°

  • Europe

  • -67°

  • North America

  • -81°

  • South America

  • -27°

  • PROJECT WORK: Write a paragraph ( in not more than 100 words) on “RAMANUJAN - The Great Mathematician”. Write the important contributions of him .

  • Learn  multiplication table from 2 to 20.

  • Note: all the students have to write all these questions in Homework/ Activity notebook separately.

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