Ideas for Class 8 Maths Holiday Homework
Solve Maths Half Yearly Exam paper.
Exploring Pythagorean Triplets.
Collection of Data and its Pictorial or Graphical representation in different ways.
Project - Mathematics in daily life.
Number Patterns using Squares and Cubes.
Scrap book – Interesting Mathematical facts from Magazines, News Papers etc.,
Complete Subject Enrichment Activities, MDP, Learner’s Diary etc.,
Prepare for Periodic Test.
(9. Algebraic Expressions, 11. Mensuration, 12. Exponents and powers, 13. Direct and Inverse Proportions)
Complete Learner’s Diary, ML and Subject enrichment Activities
Project: Favourite Topic in Mathematics and its uses in daily life situations.
What properties, the following expressions show?
(i) 23+45=45+23
(ii) 13×23=23×13
What is the multiplicative identity of rational numbers?
What is the additive identity of rational numbers?
Solve the following linear equations:
(a) 4x + 5 = 9
(b) x + 3/2 = 2x
In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find x.
Find the value of x
Find the measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon of 9 sides
In the given figure ABCD, find the value of x
The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. Find the angles of the triangle.
In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find x, y and z.
Make a project on polygons.
Find the values of x and y in the following parallelogram.
A quadrilateral has three acute angles, each measure 80°. What is the measure of the fourth angle?
The opposite angles of a parallelogram are (3x + 5)° and (61 – x)°. Find the measure of four angles.
How many sides do a regular polygon have, if the measure of an exterior angle is given as 24° ?
Select a false statement from those given below:
(a) A square is a rectangle that has equal adjacent sides
(b) A square is a rhombus whose one angle is a right angle
(c) The diagonals of a square bisect each other at right angles
(d) The diagonals of a square do not divide the whole square into four equal parts.
The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3 : 4. What is the measure of the four angles?
Learn and write tables from 2 to 20 .
Learn and write squares from 1 to 20 .
Learn and write cubes from 1 to 15.
The diagonals of a rhombus are 7.5 cm and 12 cm. Find its area.
Do the Assignments in A4 sheet / ruled sheet / notebook.
Read and Write Multiplication tables 2 to 12.
Collect Interesting Mathematical facts from Magazines, News Papers etc., (any 5)
Collect Suduko, Magic Square, Mathematical Riddles, Puzzles and Brain Teasers from any Newspaper, Magazine and solve it. (any 1)
/Project – Mathematics in Sports.
To make different types of prisms and pyramids and verifying Euler’s formula. (Activity 75)
To verify the algebraic identity (a+b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab (Activity 76)
To verify the algebraic identity (a-b)2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab (Activity 77)
To verify the algebraic identity a2 -b2 = (a+b)(a-b) (Activity 78)
Do any 1 project from the given topics
Prepare for Periodic Test.
(9. Algebraic Expressions, 11. Mensuration, 12. Exponents and powers, 13. Direct and Inverse Proportions)
Complete Learner’s Diary, ML and Subject enrichment Activities
Project: Favourite Topic in Mathematics and its uses in daily life situations.
NOTE: DO IT with your creative idea
QUESTION 1: Operations on rational numbers.
Twenty caravans are travelling across the desert one day apart. The first caravan reached the oasis and the camels drank half of the water in the pool. On the Second day, the second caravan reached the oasis and the camels drank one-third of the water that was left. On the third day, the camels in the third caravan drank one quarter of the water that was left. On the first day the pool contained 1050m3 of water. How much water was left after the 20th caravan passed through. Hint: Observe the pattern and calculate.
QUESTION 2: Take a dice and throw it
Get the boost and calculate your score. Play with your
About an Indian Mathematician and his / her contribution to Mathematics (A4 sheet)
QUESTION 5: Framing Linear Equations
Find out the age of your grandfather and father. Form a linear equation between these two -
a) Age of your grandfather and your age.
b) Your age and your father's age.
Collect suduko from any Newspaper, Magazine and solve it
Collect interesting Mathematical facts from Media, Newspaper, Magazine etc.,(any 10)
NOTE: DO IT IN A4 SIZE PAPER with your creative idea
QUESTION 1: Operations on rational numbers.
Twenty caravans are travelling across the desert one day apart. The first caravan reached the oasis and the camels drank half of the water in the pool. On the Second day, the second caravan reached the oasis and the camels drank one-third of the water that was left. On the third day, the camels in the third caravan drank one quarter of the water that was left. On the first day the pool contained 1050m3 of water. How much water was left after the 20th caravan passed through. Hint: Observe the pattern and calculate.
QUESTION 2: Framing Linear Equations
Find out the age of your grandfather and father. Form a linear equation between these two -
a) Age of your grandfather and your age.
b) Your age and your father's age.
QUESTION 3: Addition and subtraction of rational numbers.
Write fractions in mixed form and find out the hidden word.
QUESTION 4: Take a dice and throw it
Get the boost and calculate your score. Play with your
In a stack there are 5 books each of thickness 20mm and 5 paper sheets each of thickness 0.016 mm. What is the total thickness of the stack.
Complete the MDP project
Solve NCERT exercise questions of Chapter comparing quantities.
CCT question:-
Water is the basic necessity of all life. In recent years , people are facing severe
water shortage due to various factors . Srihari , a student of class VIII observed
the usage pattern of water at his home. On normal days the daily supply of
water was 1200 litres and all of it was used up. In summer, the Water Board of
the city decreased the amount supplied daily to only 1000 litres per household.
He realised that the only way to solve water crisis is to manage whatever water
is available as the supply of water will be limited. He made a study of the
amount of water used for various purposes in his house and came out with a
data as follows.
Then he would analyse how to save or minimise wastage of water.Now answer the following questions:-
(A). For which purpose Srihari’s family is using up maximum water among the data given?
(B) Srihari found that 12% of water was getting leaked through different taps on a normal day. By fixing leaking taps, one could save water. How many litres would he save?
(C) During summer when the water supply is reduced to only 1000 litres per day, What is the volume of water his family needs for :
i) Shower------------------------------------
ii) Faucet (taps in kitchen , hand wash etc)
(D). What is the central angle for the part shown as ‘shower’ in the pie chart?
(E). Water management involves recycling of water which can be re used for other purposes like gardening, cleaning floor or outdoors. If water used for washing clothes and faucet were recycled during summer how many litres of water would be available?
Solve question paper of Mid- Term in your notebooks.
Complete your notebook.
Prepare for test after vacation (1st, 2nd and 3rd chapter).
Creative work
Prepare working model to show sum of interior angles of quadrilateral is 360. (R.No- 1-20)
Write square, square root & cube root on a chart paper 1 to 30. (R.No- 21- onwards)
Collect information on Hardy Ramanujam number.(1-20)
To make a working model to find types of quadrilateral.
Mathematical Project - Based on Art integrated Project
Make a Quadrilateral Robot.
Make a Prism or tetrahedron.
Monday, March 11, 2024
Ideas for Class 8 Maths Holiday Homework
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