Thursday, June 29, 2023





Thought for the day
Smile is address of Love
Smile is a way to success
Smile is a  source to win the hearts
Smile improves your personality
So smile always! 

Thought for the day
I wonder how people find time to hate??
When life is too short to “LOVE”..,
Have a sweet thoughts!
Thought for the day
Learn the habit of compromise.., because its better to bend a little than to break a relationship.
Thought for the day
When u feel god is rubbing u against rocks.
 Don’t think that you’ll ruin.
He is just Polishing a gem.
Stay Precious.

Thought for the day
Smile is a name of lovely mood.
Smile is a way to success
Smile is a source to win the hearts
Smile improves your personality
So smile always! 
Thought for the day
If you are running in the popular track ,run faster and overtake otherwise run in different direction the whole world will follow you.
Thought for the day
Two things always in life to be remembered….. 
1. don't take any action when you are angry.
2. don't give any promise when you are happy.
Thought for the day
Beautiful Belief: 
If God answers your prayer, he is increasing your faith.
If he delays, he is increasing your patience.
If he doesn't answer, he knows you can handle.
Thought for the day
If u are running in the popular track, run faster and overtake. Otherwise run in a different direction the whole world will follow you.
Thought for the day
Two things always in life to be remembered 
1. don't take any decision in angry 
2. don't give any promises when you are happy
Thought for the day
Beautiful belief:
If God answers your prayer, he is  increasing your faith.
If he delays, he is increasing your patience.
If he doesn't answer, he knows you can handle.
Thought for the day
Life is a game. 
God like the winner and loves the looser. But hates the viewer. So be the player. 
God will always be with you.
Thought for the day
Life is just like a cloud we are moving without end. Nothing stays with us. What remains with us all the memories which no one can steal forever treasure it. 
Thought for the day
Mother Teresa: Don't expect your friend to be a perfect person. but
help your friend to become a perfect person.
Thought for the day
 what is friendship? It is a ship loaded with love,care and share crossing the sea of the heart  having no wheels of sorry and thanks
Thought for the day
People laugh at me 
because I am different and 
I laugh at them 
because they are all the same. 
That's called attitude
- Albert Einstein
Thought for the day
A Simple touch makes us feel better 
A Simple care make us fall in love. 
A simply bye makes us cry, I hope my simple Message made u at least to think of me.
Thought for the day
The peoples will always look our face 
but God looks our heart. 
so please be truthful to other  and to God.
Thought for the day
Hi ! my best friend  was asking about you, 
I have  given her your mobile number, 
don't mind , 
but she wants to meet you.
Her name is smile.
 I think she came now..,
Thought for the day
We cannot take anything along with us when we leave this world, except our cared one's tears. 
so lived  for the loved ones who live for you.
Thought for the day
Let this wonderful morning brings you Active,  freshness, success, confidence, liveliness and God's grace.
Where ever you Go Whatever you do I wish you all success!

Have a Excellent day.

Thought for the day
The best medicine in the world without any side effect is a smiling face.
 I will pray that this medicine must be  always with you. 
keep smiling.
Thought for the day
No one in this world can have crystal clear heart. Because everyone heart has some nice scratches scribbled by their dear ones with their love.
Thought for the day
Life means missing expected things and facing an unexpected things.
 when you are near,  no one remembers you.
But when you are far,  no one forgets you.
That's life!
Thought for the day
A heart dies when it is not able to share its feeling.
But a heart kills itself when another heart doesn't understand its feelings.
Thought for the day
A nice thought read it twice those who are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in fulfilling. 
Thought for the day
Friendship is not a degree, to start and finish within 2 or 3 years. 
It's a lifetime course not just to study but also to feel and live.
Thought for the day
A beautiful relationship does not depend on how well we understand someone.
 but it  depends on how well we avoid the misunderstanding.
Thought for the day
Today's thought 
Keep correcting your little mistakes because nobody sleepy slippy down by Hills but just by little stones.
Thought for the day
Friend and friendship…..,
It's a package of feelings. 
Nobody can make it.
Nobody can break it.
Nobody can explain it.
Only we can feel it.
Thought for the day
Affection is  Easy to obtain.
But once gained, it's difficult to lose it and once lost it can never be regained.
So hold your loves one tightly.
Thought for the day
We never know why we like some people more than others.
Why we love some people without reason.
Why feel happy about meeting and spending time with them.
But happiness is all about having such people around you are one of those.
Thought for the day
Field of love
Root of joy 
Island of God 
End of sorrow 
Name of hope 
Door of understanding
That is Friend
Thought for the day
 Nice friendship Quote
Some Say friendship is love.
Some say friendship is life.
But I say friendship is just friendship which is above love and life.
Thought for the day
Never look for beauty, it will fall one day.
Never look for money,  you may lose it someday. But look for lovable heart that will never miss you any day.
Thought for the day
Everlasting lines 
No person in the world have ability to stop their  tears, when their loved one says don't leave me I need you.
Thought for the day
Sacrifice is greater than love.
Character is greater than beauty.
Humanity is greater than wealth.
But nothing is greater than confidence.
Thought for the day
Life will be pleasant, if we are satisfied with what we have. 
But will be more thrilling, if we make efforts to achieve what we Desire.
Both are in our hands.
Thought for the day
One day if you need my care…,
And if there are 100 steps between us…,
 you take the First step to get near me,
I will take other 99 steps  to be there for you.
Thought for the day
Brain damaging habits
1. no breakfast   2.Over eating 3.smoking 
4. high sugar consumption  5. air pollution 
6. sleep deprivation 7. head covered while sleeping 
8. working your brain during illness
 9. lacking in stimulating thoughts
10.Talking rarely 
Please forward to your friends whom you care.
Thought for the day
Brilliant quote
The tree doesn't withdraw its shade for The Woodcutter.
so forgive the one who hurt you.
 They will realise your worth one day.
Thought for the day
Beautiful thought 
Don't get fear for facing failure in the first attempt Because even the successful Mathematics starts with 0.
Thought for the day
Once you miss, you cannot join.
That is love!
Once you join, you cannot miss.
That is friendship.
Thought for the day
No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
Similarly God won't give problems without solutions.
 so go Fearless and face it.
Thought for the day
What is the difference between temple and home?
In Temple, Every one imagine to see the God.
In home, we live with real God- its mother.
Thought for the day
Life is small, never carry a big heart .
Share everything.
Cry when you want.
Laugh whole heartedly.
Smile every moment.
Feel things around as a gift
Thought for the day
Excellent quotes by Dr Abdul Kalam
Dream is not that what you see in sleep.
Dream is thing which does not allow you to sleep.

Thought for the day
A blind man is begging on New York street with a board written on “I am blind help me” 
One guy passing that way saw him everyday and one day he took the board and wrote something. From that day,the blind man got heavy  collection. can you guess what he wrote?
“Today is a beautiful day, but I couldn't see it.”  The way of expression can change your life.
Thought for the day
I have 8 hours to cut down a tree.
I will spend 6 hours to sharpen my axe,
- Abraham Lincoln
Plan your work.
Thought for the day
Success without a attitude is called luck.
Success with a positive attitude is called achievement.
Thought for the day
Life is like a tennis match.
If you want to win, You have to serve well, return well, play crucial moments coolly.
Thought for the day
Do something everyday that you don’t want to do this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.

Thought for the day
We gathered in a large hall, an angel asked us to write our sins. Before I could finish, I heard you shouting “ Extra sheet pls”.
Thought for the day
Touch your heart, you will feel the rhythm of your heartbeat. Touch your head and you will feel the rhythm of tapping an empty pot.
Thought for the day
Joker driving car rashly. Police caught him. Joker : sir, I’m learning driving?
Police : without instructor
Joker : yeah through correspondence
Thought for the day
Alexendar : impossible word isn’t in my dictionary.
Jokerji: what is the use of telling this now?
You must check it Before you bought the dictionary . 
Thought for the day
If we were born knowing everything what would we do with all this time on the planet. Be proud to say “ I don’t know”.
Thought for the day
Smaller things hurt more in life than bigger one, you can sit on top of the mountain. But you can’t sit on the tip of the needle. That’s life.

Thought for the day
Life comes only once. So enjoy it in full extent. Never be angry because every minute of angry you lose… 60 seconds of happiness.
So always be happy.

Thought for the day
There was man who lost heavily in business at age 20.
Defeated in a legislative race at 22
Failed again in business at 24
Overcame the death of his wife at 26
A nervous breakdown at 27
Lost a senatorial race at 34
Lost his chance to be the vice president at 52
He is Mr.Abraham Lincoln.
Can we call this life as a life of failures? 
Failures are stepping stones of success.
Thought for the day
Butterfly lives only for few days. But it flies joyfully capturing many hearts. Each moment in life is precious live happy & win many hearts.
Thought for the day
One of the most beautiful words said about life, life is not of amount of breaths you take, it’s the amount of moments that take your beath away.

Thought for the day
Small aim is the biggest crime.
Dr. Abdul Kalam.
Thought for the day
What is the difference between talent and intelligence?
Walking on the tight rope above niagra falls is talent .,.,.,
Not trying that is intelligence.

Thought for the day
Life is like a one way road.
You can look at back.
But you cannot go back.
So enjoy every seconds.
Thought for the day
One of the most beautiful words said about life. Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It’s the amount of moments that take your breath away.

Thought for the day
Pearl of life:
Don’t count what u lost.
Cherish what u have & plan what to gain.
Bcoz past never returns.
But future may return the lost.
Live your day happily.

Thought for the day
A person who laughs more and make others laugh would be having a thunder storm sadness beneath their heart.

Thought for the day
Enjoy every moment of life because even Today’s newspaper will become Tomorrow’s waste paper.
That’s life.
Thought for the day
Four Angry ants vs 1 Elephant
Ant 1: shall I break his leg?
Ant2: no, we will cut his trunk.
Ant3: no, no, Shall I give a strong punch in his stomach?
What would the 4th Ant say?
Ant4: we are 4. he is only one. Let him go. Forgive him.

Thought for the day
Nice msg:
Some can make u cry & give you tears many can make u laugh & give u smiles. But only very few can give u laughing tears & crying smiles.

Thought for the day
You can count the number of seeds in an apple…
But you can’t count the number of apples in a seed…
No one knows what future is…
So hope for the best.

Thought for the day
Never make the same mistake twice, there are so many new ones (mistake) to make.,,,.
Try a different one each day.
Keep experimenting.
Thought for the day
The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody elseup.

Thought for the day
роорой்ройிрок்рокு роХேроЯ்рокро╡рой் рооройிродрой் !
роорой்ройிроХ்роХ родெро░ிрои்родро╡рой் роХроЯро╡ுро│் !
роЙрой்ройிроЯроо் рооройிродройாроХ роироЯрок்рокро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роиீ роХроЯро╡ுро│ாроХ роЗро░ு .
- роЪுро╡ாрооி ро╡ிро╡ேроХாройрои்родро░்

Thought for the day
Height of the laziness:
Thief 1: let us count the money that we have robbed.
Thief 2: oh .. No… am so tired… we’ll see it in the Tomorrow Morning Newspaper.

Thought for the day
Life is Mathematics
Add joys to it.
Subtract sorrows.
Multiply Friends.
Divide enemies.

Thought for the day
Nothing improves age.
Thought for the day
Why does little johny think he’s too late for the party?
Because he is driving in the wrong direction on a one way road and gets terribly upset thinking everyone is returning home.
Thought for the day
Judgement comes from experience & Experience comes from bad judgement.
-  Simon Bolivar
The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.
- Leon Trotsky
Thought for the day
Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and with stand the shocks of adversity entitled to the appellation.
Thought for the day
The human race has one really effective weapon and that is laughter.
Thought for the day
Life is not about the people who act true to ur face…
 It’s about the people who remains true behind ur back.

Thought for the day
Love vs Exam :
Love hardest  thing coz u have thoughts that u cant express.
Exam still harder coz u don’t have any thought still u have to express.
Thought for the day
Please read & kindly forward to all.
Medical msg:
If you are alone and if you have symptoms of chest pain that radiates to your arm and up toYour jaw it is a heart attack. If no one to help and a hospital is far u cant wait. U have to help yourself. Cough repeatedly and vigorously.
Take deep breathe before every cough. Deep breaths get oxygen to lungs.
Coughing keeps blood circulation alive.
Thought for the day
If someone hurts u don’t mind it coz it is the law of nature that “ the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets the maximum number of stones”.
Thought for the day
Biscuit biscuit enna biscuit?
Jam biscuit, enna jam?  Tea jam, enna tea? Rotti, enna rotti? Bun rotti, enna bun? Ribbon, enna ribbon? Pacha ribbon, enna pacha? Ma pachai, enna ma? Teacher amma, enna teacher? kanakku teacher, enna kanakku? Veetu kanakku, enna veedu? Maadi veetu? Enna maadi? Mottai maadi, enna mottai? Palani mottai, enna palani? Vada palani, enna vadai? Aama vadai, enna aamai? Kolathu aamai, enna kolam? Thiri kolam, enna thiri ? Vilaku thiri, enna vilaku? First nee pallu vilakku….

Thought for the day
роЯாроХ்роЯро░்: роХாродுроХ்роХுро│்ро│ рокро▓்ро▓ி рокோроХுро▒ ро╡ро░ைроХ்роХுроо் роОрой்рой рокрог்рогிроЯ்роЯு роЗро░ுрои்родீроЩ்роХ 
роЪро░்родாро░் : роХாродுроХ்роХுро│்ро│ роТро░ு роИ рокோроЪ்роЪு роЕродை рокிроЯிроХ்роХ родாрой் рокро▓்ро▓ி рокோроХுродுрой்ройு роЪுроо்рооா роЗро░ுрои்родிроЯ்роЯேрой் роЯாроХ்роЯро░் .

Thought for the day
 роЕроо்рооா: роОродுроХ்роХு рокைропройை рокோроЯ்роЯு роЕроЯிроХ்роХிро▒ீроЩ்роХ 
роЕрок்рокா : роЕро╡рой் роХிроЯ்роЯ ро▓ெроЯ்роЯро░் рокோро╕்роЯ் рокாроХ்ро╕் ро▓ рокோроЯ்роЯுроЯ்роЯு ро╡ро░ роЪொрой்ройா рокோро╕்роЯ் рокாроХ்ро╕் рокூроЯ்роЯிроЯ்роЯு роЗро░ுроХ்роХுройு родிро░ுроо்рокி ро╡рои்родுроЯ்роЯாрой்  
Thought for the day
Joker went to temple & saw people putting coin in the box and praying loudly.
Joker : wow! How amazing! People are talking to God through coin phone without receiver.
Thought for the day
It is not your mistake if you cant read the eyes which cheats you. But it is really your mistake if you cant read the eyes which cares you.

Thought for the day
An ethnic thought : I met money & said ur just a piece of paper.
Money smiled and said of course I’m a piece of paper but I haven’t seen a dustbin.
Thought for the day
Diwali joke:
рокைропрой் : роЕроо்рооா роЕрои்род ро░ெроЯ் роХро▓ро░் ро╡ெроЯி ро╡ெроЯிроЪ்роЪ роиро▓்ро▓ роЪрод்родроо் ро╡ро░ுрооா? 
роЕроо்рооா: роЕроЯேроп் роЕродு роХாро╕் роЪிро▓ிрой்роЯро░் роЯா 
Thought for the day
Do you know what the word family means?
Love with

Thought for the day
Favourite words said by Chaplin:
I love walking in Rain bcoz no one knows am crying.
Thought for the day

Thought for the day
SOLVE PUZZLE...ЁЯШДЁЯСЙ I am a 7 letter word.ЁЯСЙ I like morningsЁЯСЙ If you remove my 1st letter you can drink meЁЯСЙ If you remove my 1st & 2nd letters ЁЯСЙ you may not like meЁЯСЙ If you remove my last letter, you will see me on televisionЁЯСЙAnswer is really very interestingLet us see who solves this....⏰Time limit :- 1 hourYou can also send to other groups if you wantЁЯПЖЁЯПЖЁЯПЖ

Thought for the day

All the text books from class 1 to 12 are available  here in PDF & flip book form.
Good afternoon to all,Share it with students to take an advantage of downloading it and study during lockdown period. ЁЯЩП

Thought for the day

Everything is not locked-down
Sun is not locked-down
Season is not locked-down
Music is not locked-down
Poetry is not locked-down
Art is not locked-down
Creativity is not locked-down
Relating is not locked-down
Love is not locked-down
Meditating is not locked-down
Imagination is not locked-down
Learning is not locked-down
Conversations are not locked-down
Kindness is not locked-down
HOPE is not locked-down

Thought for the day

Here are over 19000 HINDI SONGS with video. Just click on the> singer of your choice, then click on the song you want to listen, and enjoy.
*Lata Mangeshkar (3206) <>
*Mohammad Rafi (2019) <>
*Asha Bhosle (1624) <>
*Kishore Kumar (1431) <>
*Alka Yagnik (1228) <>
*Udit Narayan (947) <>
*Mukesh (880) <>
*Kumar Sanu (800) <>
*Sonu Nigam (714) <>
*Sunidhi Chauhan (524) <>
*Anuradha Paudwal (480) <>
*Talat Mahmood (451) <>
Thought for the day
*Shaan (352) <>
*Kavita Krishnamurthy (304) <>
*Abhijeet (295) <>
*Manna De (269) <>
*Shreya Ghoshal (235) <>
*Suraiya (226) <>
*Sadhana Sargam (220) <>
*Ghulam Ali (209) <>
*Sukhwinder Singh (204) <>
*Geeta Dutt (203) <>
*Hemant Kumar (199) <>
*Mahendra Kapoor (179) <>
*Shankar Mahadevan (164)
*Shamshad Begum (163) <>

Thought for the day
*Suresh Wadkar (158) <>
*Amit Kumar (155) <>
*Hariharan (148) <>
*Kunal Ganjawala (144) <>
*Pankaj Udhas (144) <>
*Jagjit Singh (141) <>
*K. K. (129) <>
*Vinod Rathod (129) <>
*S P Balasubramaniam(119) <>
*Suman Kalyanpur (104) <>
*Adnan Sami (98) <>
*Mohammed Aziz (91) <>
*Himesh Reshammiya (86) <>
*Alisha Chinai (83) <>
** Pl forward to all those who love or like listening to Hindi songs...ЁЯО╡ЁЯО╡ЁЯО╡  Enjoy...ЁЯО╡ЁЯО╡ЁЯО╡
Thought for the day
See Class 4_EVS_A Bridge to Cross on DIKSHA at DIKSHA app from:
Thought for the day
He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander. "—Aristotle
Thought for the day
Activities for children at home, please touch the below & share to others. MЁЯСЙЁЯП╝ Very useful.-MCC-CBSE
Thought for the day
Make cow as 13 letters words
C – SEE = 3
O – O = 1
W – double you = 9
So 9 + 3 + 1 = 13 letters
Thought for the day
Yesterday is for memories.
Tomorrow is an imagination.
But Today is God’s Gift.
Make it a successful day.

Thought for the day
Answer this..? 
Lover loves it 
Friends need it..
Relationship starts with it.
Life ends with it.
It is
__ __ __ d __ __ a __ __ s (10 letter word)
Challenge for U.
Reply must.

Thought for the day
When does a friend become a best friend?
When the dialogue  I care for U Converts into I’ll Kill U If U don’t Care me.

Thought for the day
Who says English is easy? Don’t believe. Then fill the blank with Either Yes or No.
________ I am a idiot
So if you Can’t answer, send to another idiot.
Thought for the day
Rain drops never know where they fall but they create chillness on a place They fall.
Be Rain drop by creating happiness around u always…
Thought for the day
Life is not an I- pod to listen to your Favourite songs. Its like a radio in which you must adjust urself to enjoy whatever comes in it.
Thought for the day
If you manage to smile at any situation, you are the winner of highest number of hearts in this world, so smile always.
Thought for the day
Golden lines of vivekanandar:
Ellorukum anbai kuduthu yemanthu vidathey.
Yaaridamum anbai petru yematri vidaathey. It’s a love rule.

Thought for the day
Beautiful quote:
Every day starts with some expectation. But Everyday ends with some experience.
Thought for the day
Little Faith says “u can do it”
Big faith says “ u will  do it”
But greater faith says “ it is done”!
Nothing is impossible when “ you believe in yourself.

Thought for the day
No candle looses its light while lighting up another one. So never stop helping others, bcoz it makes your life more meaningful.

Thought for the day
What is love?
Shakespeare said: dn’t ask the person who loves someone but ask the person who have lost someone. They only can feel the true love.
Thought for the day
Impressed line: Don’t cry for anybody bcoz they are not fit for your tears. The one who is fit for your tears will not allow you to cry.
Thought for the day
4 Gifts from God:
1. A solution to every problem
2. A light for every shadow
3. A key of hope for every tomorrow.
4. A lesson from every crisis.

Thought for the day
рокேро░рой் : рокாроЯ்роЯி роПрой் роОрой் рооேро▓ роЗро╡்ро│ோ рокாроЪрооா роЗро░ுроХ்роХீроЩ்роХ ?
рокாроЯ்роЯி: роиீ родாрой் роЯா роиாро│ைроХ்роХு роОройроХ்роХு роХொро│்ро│ி ро╡ெроХ்роХрогுроо் 
рокேро░рой்: роиாро│ைроХ்роХு роиாрой் ро╕்роХூро▓் рокோроХрогுроо். роЗрой்ройைроХ்роХே ро╡ெроЪ்роЪிроЯро▒ேрой் рокாроЯ்роЯி 
Thought for the day
What is easy and what is difficult?
Easy is to judge others mistakes.
Difficult is to recognize our own mistake.
Thought for the day
Worrying doesn’t solve tomorrow’s trouble. It takes away today’s peace. So, Don’t worry for anything and keep your life move with smile.
Thought for the day
Life is like a book. 
Turn over the pages day by day.
You can find new experience every day.
Thought for the day
Fish said to water U can’t see my tears, bcoz I’m in U.
Water Replied’ but I can feel ur tears, bcoz u are in me.
That’s true affection.

Thought for the day
Don’t see others as doing better than yourself.
Beat your own records everyday. Because success is a fight between you and yourself.
Thought for the day
Heart is not a basket for keeping Tension & sad.
Heart is a bouquet for keeping smile & joy.
Let ur heart be always happy cheers.

Thought for the day
A man asked God “ I want Peace”. God Replied “ Remove the I ”. That is Ego. Remove the want That is Desire. And Peace will be automatically Yours.
Thought for the day
Great thought:- You are not responsible for what people think about u. but, you are responsible for what you give them to think about you. Take care.

Thought for the day
Maths Teacher: If U have 12 chocolates & U give 8 to Meera, 4 to Reshu then what will U get.
LKG student: 2 Super Figures.
Thought for the day
A  10 yr old boy went to an ice cream shop & asked “ how much a cone costs waiter said ₹15.
The boy started counting how much a small cup cost? Waiter said ₹ 12.
 The boy asked for small cup. He had it , paid and then left. When the waiter came to pick the empty cup he was touched. The boy had left ₹ 3 coins as tip for him.
Moral: Try giving something to everyone out of whatever little u have.
Thought for the day
An egg falls down but it doesn’t break  luck!
Again falls doesn’t break  Experience & confidence
Again falls, But breaks  over confidence.
So be confident but it should not be over confident. Be Happy!
Thought for the day
Whatever we do we must remember our aim at every moment. If you dream to fly with eagles, Don’t waste time in swimming with ducks.
- Barack Obama
Thought for the day
Cute thought: 50paise coin always make sound..,
But 500 rupees note is silent.
So, When your value increases keep yourself calm &silent.
Thought for the day
A lion was running behind a small rabbit.  He tried his best, but was not able to catch it. It stopped and said I’ m the king of the jungle. I’ve 4 strong legs & good physic. I could not catch U. Why?
Rabbit replied Dear Lion, U were running for Your lunch, But I was running for my Life.
Thought for the day
Listen to your enemy’s speech.. Because your mistakes are known by your enemies.
Thought for the day
Student in Bio Practical Exam 
Examiner :  See the birds leg & Tell its name
Student : I don’t Know
Examiner: You fail, What is your name? 
Student: Now you see my Leg & tell my name.
Examiner: ????!!!!

Thought for the day
Speed can be calculated by “Miles Per Hour”
But Lifetime can be calculated by “ Smiles Per Hour”.
Thought for the day
Golden words of Hitler When u r in light everything will follow you. 
But when u enter dark, even ur own shadow will not follow u.
Thought for the day
Excellent lines: 
Affection shows human mentality but situation shows human reality.

Thought for the day
Most Admired Quote:
Try hard to get What u like otherwise U will be forced to like what u get.

Thought for the day
To believe in something in which everyone believes is belief, But to believe in something in which nobody believes is confidence.
Be different.
Think Different.

Thought for the day
Before U speak  Listen
Before U Write  Think
Before U Spend  Earn
Before U Criticize  Wait
Before U Pray  Forgive
Before U Quit  Try
Before U Die  Live 
That’s life.
Thought for the day
Mr. Bean Gives dictation Test for the students.
Last bench students say we are not able to hear you sir. 
Mr. Bean said “ ok I’ll write it on the board”

How Intelligent.
Thought for the day
Valuable Thought:
Someone is doing in somewhere which You are saying that You can’t Do & impossible to do.
Thought for the day
Strange but True:
Good persons are found in every corner of the world But unfortunately world is round…
Thought for the day
Two LKG students are talking after the Exam
Boy1: I left the paper Blank, don’t know anything
Boy2: I also did the same
Boy1: oh my God! Teacher will think we copied.

Thought for the day
Man : I called you Many times to repair the calling bell. Why didn’t you come?
Mr. Bean : I came many times and I press the calling bell but no one is open the Door.
Thought for the day
 H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K
 A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E
 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100%
So a Person with right attitude always wins.
Thought for the day
An Excellent Quote seen on the Temple premises:
God has time to Listen.
Do you Have the time to pray.

Thought for the day
Mr. Bean: This book is very bore more characters but no story.
Librarian: Hello! Are you the person who took the entry register?

Thought for the day
Even a small dot can stop a big sentence. But few more dots can give a continuity. Amazing but true.
Every ending can be a beginning.
Thought for the day
Whenever depressed, confused or hurt. Don’t worry. Stand in front of the mirror. You’ll find the best person who’ll solve your problem.
Trust yourself.
Thought for the day
Golden words:
If you can’t fly, run
If you can’t run, walk
If you can’t walk, crawl
But whatever you do keep on moving towards your goal.
Thought for the day
Mr. Bean: I lost my cheque book
Friend : be careful anyone can put your sign.
Mr. Bean: I’m not a fool. I’ve already signed in all the cheques.
Keep smile.
Thought for the day
You want & you get  that’s luck
You want & you wait  that’s time
You want & but you compromise  that’s life
You want & don’t compromise  that’s success
Thought for the day
Tiger doesn’t know its strength.
Only a deer knows how strong a tiger is so at anytime don’t be discouraged. Your strength is known to others more than u.
Thought for the day
Alexendar’s last words: burn my body & keep my hand outside, so that the world knows the man who won the world had nothing in hand.
Thought for the day
We have 26 letters in English. But before 1960 we had only 24 letters. Do you know why?
Because you and I were not born at that time.
Don’t cry.
Thought for the day
A winning horse doesn’t know what is win.
It only runs pain given by his rider, so whenever u are in pain, think that God wants you to win.

Thought for the day
Losing after a try is also a victory but victory without a try is equal to a loss
- Einstein
Thought for the day
Every single problem that you face in your life is the seed of opportunity for some greater benefits. Don’t leave your confidence in any situation.
Thought for the day
Never conclude your capacity on your present situation. A coal changes into a diamond by withstanding pressure. You are a diamond. Live to your potential.
Thought for the day
Sometimes our ambitions get flop sometimes our assumptions go wrong. But our goal is still waiting for us. Be positive & be active.
Thought for the day
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage wanting to win is  common to all. But working to win is the mark of a true champion.
Thought for the day
Words of great attitude:
Throw your past into the dustbin.
Keep the present on your working table. And display your future on the board.
Thought for the day
Sometimes the only available made of transportation is a lea of faith. Hold on to it.
Thought for the day
Life is the race between cat and rat.
Who will win the race?
Mostly rat.
Because cat runs for food but rat runs for life..

Thought for the day
2 lines to live life
Be soft & cool like water. So U can adjust anywhere in life.
Be tough & attractive like diamond. So no one can play with your emotions.
Thought for the day
If U learn from your mistake, then you are intelligent.
But If U learn from somebody’s mistake, then you are genius.  
Thought for the day
Don’t read success story. Read only failure story. Because failure story u get new idea to win.
Success story u get only msg.
  - Fidel castro
Thought for the day
Confidence & hardwork is the best medicine to kill the disease failure it makes u a successful person.
- Abdul kalam 
Thought for the day
Mr.Bean: Doctor, I hear voice only, I can’t see face.
Doctor: when it is happening like this?
Mr. Bean: when I am speaking in phone doctor.
Doctor: ???????
Thought for the day
Unbeatable truth:
Where the heart is willing it’ll find a 1000 ways.
But where it is unwilling it will find 1000 excuses.


Thought for the day
Frozen thoughts
You have your way, I have my way, As for the right way, the correct way and the only way it does not exist.
Thought for the day
I cannot disturb other’s peace without losing out on my peace. I become peaceful by just trying  to make others peaceful.
Thought for the day

Thought for the day
No great work can be achieved by humbug.
It is through tremendous energy that all undertakings are accomplished. Therefire manifest your manhood.
Thought for the day
If the mind is intensely eager everything can be accomplished. Mountains can be crumbled into atoms.

Thought for the day
All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in our own mind.
Thought for the day
The faith in oneself is the fundamental factor for achieving success.
Thought for the day
Full attention is like a perfect instrument for achieving success in all walks of life.
Creativity, talents, originality, inventions, fine arts are flame up in full attention of the mind.
Give your full attention and write the exam well. All the best!
Thought for the day
A + A  double A
W + W  ????

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