Sunday, June 11, 2023

Calendar Magic 153

 Fun with mathematics
Calendar Magic 153

Total 153!

This Mathematics activity gives you interest to do the fundamental operations. (+, -, x, /)


FUN ACTIVITY – Total 153!

Ask a friend to choose any    3 x 3 grid on a calendar month and draw a box around it.

Tell  your friend that you can instantly give the total of all the nine numbers in the box. 

How ???????


How ????

Answer is 153


FUN ACTIVITY - solutions

Take the smallest number in the square and add 8 to it. In this example, 9 + 8 =  17

Multiply that answer by nine. 

So 17 x 9 = 153 

Ask your numbers friend to check 

by actually taking the total of all nine numbers.

9 + 10 + 11 + 16 + 17 + 18+ 23 + 24 + 25 = 153 


Try this out with another box of nine numbers.

This works for any month of any year.

Play with your Friends Kutties! πŸ‘
All the best! 
Thank YouπŸ™πŸ»

Watch it on youtube: Click here

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