Sunday, June 11, 2023

Mysterious count

Fun with Mathematics
1. The mysterious count- trick
2. Match stick count – odd or even game
3. opposite face of the dice


Take a watch and ask someone to think of one of the hours on the dial 

then you take a pencil and start tapping the various hours on the dial. 

The person who is thinking of the hour should count the number of taps starting next from the (number) or hour he is thinking of.

When his count reaches 21 he should shout stop.

Now I will tell the hour which he is thinking of.

Slide 3

Take a watch and ask someone to think of one of the hours on the dial -- 8

then you take a pencil and start tapping the various hours on the dial. 

The person who is thinking of the hour should count the number of taps starting next from the (number) or hour he is thinking of.
When his count reaches 21 he should shout stop.

Now I will tell the hour which he is thinking of
It is 8


Take a watch and ask someone to think of one of the hours on the dial -- 8

then you take a pencil and start tapping the various hours on the dial. 

The person who is thinking of the hour should count the number of taps starting next from the (number) or hour he is thinking of.
When his count reaches 21 he should shout stop.

Now I will tell the hour which he is thinking of
It is 8


Take a watch and ask someone to think of one of the hours on the dial -- 5

then you take a pencil and start tapping the various hours on the dial. 

The person who is thinking of the hour should count the number of taps starting next from the (number) or hour he is thinking of.
When his count reaches 21 he should shout stop.

Now I will tell the hour which he is thinking of
It is 5


First 8 taps any random order 
but the 9th tap should fall on the hour 12
            10th tap should fall on the hour 11 
            11th tap should fall on the hour 10 in an anti-clockwise
When he says stop -- He thought the hour of

If he thinks 12 then 12 + 9th  tap  you will get answer
If he thinks 11 then 11 + 10th tap
If he thinks 10, then 10 + 11th 
If he thinks 9 then 9 + 12th  tap 
If he thinks 8 then 8 + 13th tap
If he thinks 7, then 7 + 14th tap you will get answer
If he thinks 6 then 6 + 15th  tap 
If he thinks 5 then 5 + 16th tap
If he thinks 4, then 4 + 17th tap you will get answer
If he thinks 3 then 3 + 18th  tap 
If he thinks 2 then 2 + 19th tap
If he thinks 1, then 1 + 20th tap you will get answer


Take 20 match boxes.
You take few match sticks ask another to take few match sticks

If he has taken odd number of match, add your match sticks that total come to an even number.

 If he has taken even number of match, add your match sticks that total come to an odd number.
Play a game & enjoy


Your friends match stick count is odd so to make even how much you are  going to give to him?
That is 
5 + 1 = 6 (even);
 5 + 2 = 7 (odd); 
5 + 3 = 8 (even)
5 + 4 = 9 ( odd); 
5 + 5 = 10 ( even)
Now you take some Match sticks Ask your friend to make compensate with his match sticks.
Carry on to play the game and learn Odd & Even numbers


Odd + odd = even
Odd + even = odd

Slide 9

Dice are special number cubes for which the following rule applies:
You  can  make  a  simple  number  cube  by  cutting,  folding  and  gluing Card board. 
This can be done in many ways. 
In the figure below you can see
 four cuttings that can be used to make cubes, with dots on the sides.
Which of the following shapes can be folded together to form a cube that obeys the rule that the sum  of opposite faces is 7? 

Note :

 The total number of dots on two opposite faces is always seven

Slide 10

Which of the following shapes can be folded together to form a cube that obeys the rule that the sum  of opposite faces is 7? 

Note : 

The total number of dots on two opposite faces is always seven 

Answer : 

ii & iii only satisfies the rule {1+6; 2+5;3+4}

Play with your Friends Kutties! πŸ‘
All the best! 
Thank YouπŸ™πŸ»

Watch it on youtube : Click here

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