Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Class 07 Mathematical Game 2

 Mathematical Game 2

Two players can play this game using a 1 rupee coin. One player is heads and other player is tails. Toss the coin alternately. If heads tosses the coin and the head comes up, the score is 1 point. If it is tail, score no points. Tails tosses next and only scores a point if the coin shows tail. The first player to score 10 points is the winner. Record your score in a table. 

Play this game 10 times.

How many time did heads win?

(ii) How many times did tails win?

(iii) Do you think this game is a fair game? Note that a game is fair if each player has equal chance of winning.

Play this game with your friends using a 6-sided dice. 
Name one player as under 4 and other player as above 4. 
Throw the dice alternately. 
Under 4 throws first. If the dice shows a number less than 4, the score is 1 point. 
If it is greater than 4, score no points. Similarly, above 4 throws next and scores 1 point if the dice shows a number greater than 4. 
The first player to score 5 points is the winner.
Record your scores in a table.
Play this game 10 times.
How many games did under 4 win?
(ii) How many games did above 4 win?
(iii) Do you think this game is a fair game?
(iv) How could you change the rules of the game to make it fair?

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