Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Class 07 Project : Value of 𝝅

 Project : Value of 𝝅


To find the value of it by activity method.

Materials Required: 

Coloured paper, geometry box, different coloured threads, a pair of scissors, sketch pens, fevicol, etc.


 1. 𝝅 is defined as the ratio of circumference and diameter of a circle,

 i.e., 𝝅  = "Circumference" /"Diameter"  

2. 𝝅 is an irrational number.

3. For practical purposes we take the value of 𝝅  as 𝟐𝟐/πŸ• or  3.14 ... (approx.)


1. Take a coloured paper and draw five circles with different radii. Name them as A, B, C, D and E as shown in Fig.

2. Cut the circles A, B, C, D and E from the coloured paper.
3. Take a coloured paper and fix a thread on it with fevicol and mark its end points as P and Q as shown in Fig. 

4. Take a circle and put a mark on the circumference 
of it as shown in Fig. 

5. Now place the circle on the thread in such a way the mark touches the point P as shown in Fig. 

6. Now roll the circle along the line PQ, till the mark touches the thread again, mark this point X, as shown in Fig. 

7. Measure the distance PX with the help of a ruler and denote it by C.
8. Calculate the diameter of the circle and denote it by d.
9. Take the ratio "C" /"d"  to calculate the value of 𝝅.
10. Repeat the steps from 5 to 9 for other circles and record your observations.

Observations : 

2. Average value of 𝝅 is _________
3. The length of the thread gives the ____________of the circle.

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