Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Class 07 Pencil Puzzles

 Pencil Puzzles

Can you draw these figures without lifting your pencil off the paper? You are not allowed to retrace any lines but you can cross over lines



Pencil Puzzles - solution
Can you draw these figures without lifting your pencil off the paper? You are not allowed to retrace any lines but you can cross over lines
Figure 1: yes. Start any vertex and complete it at other end. (All even vertices)
Figure 2: yes, Start at any even vertices and complete it at other end. ( All even vertices)
Figure 3: yes, Start at any even vertices  and complete it at other end. (All even vertices)
Figure 4: yes, Start at any odd vertex (3) and complete it at other end. (it has exactly 2 odd vertices)

Can you draw these figures without lifting your pencil off the paper? You are not allowed to retrace any lines but you can cross over lines
Figure 5: no, It has more than 2 odd vertices.
Figure 6: yes, Start at any even vertices and complete it at other end. ( All even vertices)
Figure 7: yes, Start at any even vertices (4) and complete it at other end. (All even vertices)
Figure 8: no, It has more than 2 odd vertices.

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4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .....роЕрок்рокроЯி роЗрои்род ‘роиாро▓ு’роХ்роХு роОрой்ройродாроЩ்роХ ро╕்рокெро╖ро▓்....????? 01. ‘роиாро▓ு’ рокேро░ு ‘роиாро▓ு’ ро╡ிродрооா рокேроЪுро╡ாроЩ்роХ. 02. ‘роиாро▓ு’ рокேро░ுроХ்роХு роиро▓்ро▓родு роироЯроХ...