Thursday, August 17, 2023

Great About Number 9

 Great About Number 9
How Friends should be?

Friends should be like Number 9 not like number 8.

When you are adding 9's it will remains 9 only.

9+9 = 18 ( when you are adding digits 1+8 =9)

9+9+9=27 ( when you are adding digits 2+7 =9)

9+9+9+9=36 ( when you are adding digits 3+6 =9)

How many years your friendship last no question, friends and their character should remains same.

when you are adding with number 9, then the number will be increase and nine will be disappeared.

9+4=13 ( when you are adding digits 1+3 =4)

adding 4 lives and 9 disappears

when friend is in problem we should help.

friendship should not be like 8 because

When you are adding 8's it decreases only.

8+8 = 16 ( when you are adding digits 1+6 =7)

8+8+8=24 ( when you are adding digits 2+4 =6)

8+8+8+8=32 ( when you are adding digits 3+2 =5)

Friendship should not be decrease when the days are getting older.

It should remains same like when the friendship started at the first moment.

Play & Learn with your Friends Kutties! πŸ‘

All the best! 
Thank YouπŸ™πŸ»

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