Thursday, August 10, 2023

Class 08 Activity – Data handling3

 Class 08 Activity – Data handling3


To explore probability through a group activity.

Materials Required : 

Paper boxes of equal sizes full of beans, dice per pair of students, chart paper and pencil to record the information.


Divide the students into pairs and hand over each pair a dice, paper, pencil and paper box full of beans. 

The students will roll the dice, note the number that comes up and take out from the box that many beans until the box is empty. 

Each pair should play five times and record the number of rolls it takes each time to empty the box on the chart paper on the board.

Once all the pairs have recorded the information on art, ask the students to determine the most likely number of rolls it took to empty the box. They should also find out the fewest and the greatest number of rolls it could take to empty the box.

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