Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Class 08 Activity – Square of a 3 digit number

 Activity – Square of a 3 digit number



To find the square of a 3-digit number using diagonal method.

Materials Required: 

Drawing sheets, sketch pens, geometry box, etc.


Let us find the square of 345.

Write down the digits 3, 4, 5 in the 3 x 3 square as shown in figure.

2. Now, join the diagonals of all the small squares with the dotted lines as shown in figure. 

3. Multiply each digit on the 1st column of the squares with digit on the row and write the products in the 1st column. Colour them as shown in figure. We write the tens digit on the upper half and ones digit on the lower half of the diagonals. 
4. Complete the squares by multiplying the elements of each column as shown in figure.
5. Starting from the lower square, add the numbers diagonally as shown in figure. 

6. Add the sum of the digits along the diagonal. If the result of addition comes in two digits, add the carry over to the next diagonal. Thus, the square of 345 = 119025
II. Now, let us find the square of 3497. Thus, the square of 3497 = 12229009.

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