Friday, January 12, 2024

Class- 8 MATHS Slip Test -1 Algebraic Expressions and Factorization 20 marks


Slip Test -1

Class- 8                                                                                                                     Subject - Maths 

Chapters - Algebraic Expressions and Factorization                                                    Marks : 20

Section A  MCQs of 1 mark each

  1. Sum of a – b + ab, b + c – bc and c – a – ac is

       (a) 2c + ab – ac – bc     (b) 2c – ab – ac – bc   (c) 2c + ab + ac + bc  (d) 2c – ab + ac + bc

  1. Volume of a rectangular box (cuboid) with length = 2ab, breadth = 3ac & height = 2ac is

       (a) 12a3bc2               (b) 12a3bc           (c) 12a2bc           (d) 2ab +3ac + 2ac

  1. Number of factors of is

               (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2   (d) 1

  1. If we subtract –3x2y2 from x2y2, then we get

             (a) – 4x2y2                (b) – 2x2y2           (c) 2x2y2              (d) 4x2y2

  1. The common factor of m² y⁴ and m⁴ y²  is

            (a)  m⁴ y⁴            (b)   m² y²              (c)  m² y⁴              (d)  m⁴ y²

      6.   Which of the following is monomial?
          (a) 5a          (b)5a+10    (c) 5a+10b+25       (d) 5a+10b+25c+50d

      7. The factorisation of  (ax+bx-ay-by)  is
          (a) (x–y)(a+b)    (b) (x–y)(a+b)     (c) (x+y)(a+b)    (d) (x+y)(a-b)

      8. The value of the expression x² – 2yx + y² when x = 1, y = 2 is

          (a)   1                    (b)   - 1                   (c)    2                  (d)    - 2

      9. Which of the following is a trinomial ?

(a)  5xyz              (b)    5x + y + z        (c)   x+y+z+5       (d)  5x+yz

10. The factorisation of 6x + 12y is 

          (a) 3(x + 4y) (b) 6(x + 2y) (c) 2(3x + 12y) (d) none of these 

Section B  Very Short Answer of 1 mark each

  1. The sum of  7xy + 5yz – 3zx, 4yz + 9zx – 4y , –3xz + 5x – 2xy is _________

  2. On dividing     x(x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 3)     by     x(x + 1),we obtain_______________.

  3. Find the product of xy,yz,zx.

  4. Factorise the expression 4x2 – 8x + 4.

  5. Factorise the following expressions.(i)   6y - 12      ( ii )      7p - 42q

  6.  ___is the highest common factor of the following. 6 xyz, 24 xy2 and 12 x2y

  7. Factorize   a2+8a+16

  8. Common factor of 2y and 22xy is 2y. (true/false)

  9.  Identify the terms and their coefficients for given expression : 1 + y + y2 

  10. Find the product of the given pair of monomial : 20y2 and 5z2 

Slip Test -1-Answer Key

Class- 8                                                                                                               Subject - Maths 

Chapters - Algebraic Expressions and Factorization                                                    Marks : 20

Section A  MCQs of 1 mark each

1.  (a) 2c + ab – ac – bc  

2.  (a) 12a3bc2             

3. (c) 2  

4. (d) 4x2y2

5.(b)   m² y²             

6. (a) 5a    

7. (b) (x–y)(a+b)  

8.(a)   1   

9. (b)    5x + y + z      

10. (b) 6(x + 2y) 

Section B  Very Short Answer of 1 mark each

  1. 5x-4y+5xy+3zx+9yz

  2. (x + 2) (x + 3)    

  3. x²y²z²

  4. 4(x-1)2 

  5.  6(y - 2)      ( ii )      7(p - 6q)

  6.  6 xy

  7. (a+4)2

  8. true

  9.  Terms are  1 , y , y2 constant -1, coefficient of y is 1, coefficient of y² is 1

  10. 100y2z2 

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