Saturday, January 13, 2024

Class 8 Slip Test -2 for Exponents and Powers and Direct and Inverse Proportions 20 marks

Slip Test -2
Class- 8                                            Subject - Maths                                     Marks : 20  
Chapters -  Exponents and Powers and Direct and Inverse Proportions                                      
Section A  MCQs of 1 mark each
The value of (-2/3)4 is equal to:
(a) 16/81                  (b) 81/16             (c) -16/81            (d) 81/ −16
am x an = ______
          a) am+n             b) am-n         c) amn           d) am/n
 The  value of 1x0 is
        a) 0 b) 1 c) 1x d-1x
Express the number 3.02 x 10-6 in usual form.
       (a) 0.00000302   (b) 0.30200000   (c) 0.0000000302         (d) 302000000
The approximate distance of the moon from the earth is 384,467,000 m and in  exponential form. This distance can be written as 
               (a) 3.84,467 × 108m (b) 384,467 × 10-8 m (c) 384,467 × 10-9 m (d) 3.844,67 × 10-13
If 8 men can do a piece of work in 20 days, in how many days will 20 men complete the same work?
       a) 8                       b)  10                c) 12                          d) 20   
If  x and y vary inversely from each other, and x= 20 when y=3. Find y when x = 12.
         (a) y=10                (b) y=5    (c) y=0                 (d) y=6 
If Anandi types 200 words in half an hour, she will be able to type ______________ words in 12 minutes. (Assuming the speed of typing to be uniform.) 
          a) 40                   b) 60             c) 80                d) 100
The scale of a map is given as 1: 300. Two cities are 4 km apart on the map. The actual distance between them is:
a) 1000 km    b) 1100 km     c) 1200 km      d) 1300 km
If x and y are inversely proportional then find the value of a.
a) 4                       b)  1                             c)  3           d) 2 
Section B  Very Short Answer of 1 mark each
A machine in a soft drink factory fills 840 bottles in six hours. How many bottles will it  fill in two hours? 
 Express Charge of an electron is 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,16 coulomb in standard  form. 
The scientific notation of 1035.3 is ____
The multiplicative inverse of 3-3 is_______.
The product   of  y² x 2y 22  x 5y26  is ___
 The value of   is ___
Express 4−3 as a power with base 2. 
A loaded truck travels 168 km in 5 hours. How far can it travel in 25 minutes?
 If ‘x’ and ‘y’ are in a direct proportion then  x/y=constant is correct. True / False
What is the value of (−1)−1? 

Answer key 

Section A  MCQs of 1 mark each

  1. (a) 16/81                  

  2.   a) am+n         

  3. b) 1

  4.  (a) 0.00000302   

  5. (a) 3.84,467 × 108

  6.  a) 8                      

  7. (b) y=5  

  8. c) 80           

  9. c) 1200 km      

  10. d) 2 

Section B  Very Short Answer of 1 mark each

  1. 280

  2.  1.6 x 10 -19

  3. 1.0353 x 10 3

  4. 1/27

  5. 10y50

  6. 1/220

  7. 2-6

  8. 14 km

  9. True

  10. (-1)

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