Friday, January 12, 2024

SLATE V STD EVS 25 marks


 SLATE - Students’ Learning Achievement and Teacher Effectiveness 

Class : V                               Subject : EVS Marks : 25

Choose the correct answer

  1. _____________is a small wooden boat.

  1. pulley b) trolley c) vallam  Ans:  _______________

  1. ________ is used in rainy areas.

a) Bamboo bridge b) Arch bridge c) Suspension bridge Ans:  _______________

  1. _____________is our national animal.

  1. lion b) tiger c) elephant Ans:  _______________

  1. The language spoken in Kerala________ .

a) Malayalam b) Tamil c) Konkani Ans:  _______________

  1. Kabbadi is known as_____________.

a)Boo-boo-bum b) Ha-du-du c) Ka-da-da  Ans:  _______________

  1. The valley of Flowers is situated in the hills of ________.

a) Assam b) Bihar c) Uttarakhand Ans:  _______________

  1.  _____________ grows on water.

  1. Lotus b) Rose c) Gulmohar Ans:  _______________

  1. The river starts from ________ .

a) mountains b) ponds c) lakes Ans:  _______________

  1. _____________tablet is added to clean water.

a) vicks b) paracetamol c) chlorine  Ans:  _______________

  1. Which of the following is dissolved in water?

    a) Marble  b) Sand  c)  Sugar Ans:  _______________

  1. Honey bees collect nectar from ___

a )Flowers  b)Stem  c)Roots Ans:  _______________

  1. Which tree grows roots from branches? 

a)Mango   b) Neem   c)  Banyan tree Ans:  _______________

  1. _____________is used to make the food look yellow.

a) Turmeric b) jeera c) chillies Ans:  _______________

  1.  ________ are used to make food hot and spicy.

a) sugar b) salt c) red chillies Ans:  _______________

  1.  _____________ is used to relieve toothache.

a)clove b) turmeric c) jeera Ans:  _______________

  1. A prism reflects ________ colours.

a) 7 b) 8 c) 10 Ans:  _______________

  1. _____________is a small and round like a pearl.

a)jeera b)  sauf c) pepper Ans:  _______________

  1. ________ looks like a nail.

a) sauf b) pepper c) clove Ans:  _______________

  1. _____________keeps the stomach healthy.

a)chillies b) sauf c) clove Ans:  _______________

  1. ________ has many gardens of spices.

a) Maharashtra b) Tamil nadu c) Kerala Ans:  _______________

  1. ____________ is used as a mouth freshner.

  1. sauf b) pepper c) chillies Ans:  _______________

  1. The currency of  Abu dhabi is________.

a) Rupees   b)    dollar  c)  Dirham Ans:  _______________

  1.  A group of elephants is called _____________ .

a) herd b) flock c) swarm Ans:  _______________

  1. Birds have tiny ________ on either side of their head.

a) holes   b) wings   c)tail Ans:  _______________

  1.  ________ gives birth to young ones.

a) snake   b) frog  c) spider Ans:  _______________

                                        SLATE  Date : _________

Class : V   sec : ____                 Subject : EVS Marks : 25

Choose the correct answer

1. Ants move in a line because of their sense of     _______

 a) sight b) smell c) taste d) hearing

2. Name of the bird which has eyes in the front of its head. _______

a) Owl b) Sparrow c) Eagle d) Hen

3. What is the sleeping time of python? _______

a) 18hrs. b) 3hrs c) 6hrs  d) 24hrs

4. How many times a tiger can see better than us at night? _______

a) 5 times b) 6 times c) 8 times d) 10 times

      5. Why elephants are killed? _______

a) Tusk  b) Skin  c) Horn d) head

      6. Which of the following animal is endangered? _______

a) Monkey b) Tiger c) cow d) Buffalo

      7. What is the another name of ‘Aampapad’ ? _______

a) Mamidi Tandra. b ) Aamvat c) Aam burfi d) Aam roti

       8. How much time is required to prepare the ‘MamidiTandra’? _______

a) 4 weeks b) 6 weeks c) 8 weeks d) 10 weeks

      9. Poisonous teeth of the snakes are called as __________.

a) Fangs b) hood c) scales d) bangs

     10. In 1948, George Mestral discovered ____ _______

a) printer b) Velcro c) bacteria d) bicycle

      11. How do we come to know that food has got spoilt? _______

a) By its colour b) By its taste c) By its smell d) All of these.

      12. Name the seeds which disperse by water. _______

a) Lotus b) Rose c) Marigold d) Jasmine

       13. Potatoes and tomatoes came from __________ country.

a) India b) China c) South America d) Europe

     14. Why should we not eat junk food? _______

a) Good for health b) Not good for health c) Give us energy d) give us protein

     15. What is the nature of digestive juices in the stomach? ________

a) Acidic b) Basic c) Neutral d) tasty

     16. In khalahandi many labourers are dying due to _________

  a) Hunger b) Flood c) Earthquake d) volcano

     17. The tiny bumps present on the tongue are called _________.

a) Touch buds b) Smell buds c) Flower buds d) taste buds

     18. What is given to a sick person for getting instant energy?

a) Glucose drip b) Chocolate c) Ice-cream d) Pizza 

    19. Which solution is given when a person has vomiting and loose motions? ________

a) juice b) ORS c) Milk d) soup

    20. A snake charmer keeps the snakes in a __________

a) Bamboo basket b) Bucket c) Drum d) Plate

    21. Which dance form have movements similar to snake movements? _________

a) odissi b) Kathak c) Kalbeliya d) kuchipudi

    22. How many types of snakes are poisonous in India? _____________

a) 6 types b) 4 types c) 8 types d) 10 types

     23. Another name of pitcher plant is ______________

  1. Cactus b) calus c) nepenthese d) lactus

     24. __________ seeds are used as spices.

a) rice b) wheat c) jeera d) masoor

     25. The taste of lemon juice is _________

a) sweet b) sour c) salty d) bitter

Students Learning Achievement and Teachers' Effectiveness 


Class : V                               

Subject : EVS

Marks : 25

Choose the correct answer

  1. Find the water borne disease

  1. Leg pain b) malaria c) typhoid d) headache

Observe the pattern and fill in

  1. Camel : camel cart :: _____ : bullock cart

  2. Cement bridge : _______ :: bamboo bridge : not strong

  3. rocky path : utharangal : : snowy path : _______

Match the following

  1. A person who cannot speak   -   blind

  2. A person who cannot hear     - lame

  3. A person who cannot walk     - deaf

  4. A person who cannot see       - dumb

Fill in the blanks

  1. One who makes pots is called ______

  2. One who weaves cloth is called ______

  3. One who makes wooden furniture is called ______

  4. One who makes gold ornaments is called______

  5. A bird that can't fly -______

  6. A bird which lays the biggest egg _-______

  7. National bird of India -______

  8. A bird that lay eggs in the nest of crow -______

  9. _A bird which sleeps during the day and wakes at night -______

  10. Name the plant of which we eat leaves _________

  11. Name the plant of which we eat roots _________

  12. Name the plant of which we eat fruits _________

  13. Name the plant of which we eat flowers _________

  14. Name the plant of which we eat seeds _________

  15. Name the plants with modified roots _______

  16. Find out the currencies of the following countries                         USA - ________

  17. India - _______

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