The number of terms in the expression 2x2+3x+5 is

(a) 1 (b)   2 (c)3 (d)5

The coefficient of x in the expression -7x +5 is

(a) 5 (b) -7 (c)7 (d)x

The numerical coefficient of y in the expression 2x+3y+7z is

(a)  2 (b) 3 (c)7 (d)3y

The expression y+z+100 is a

(a) monomial (b) literal number (c) binomial (d) trinomial 

The expression 7xy has the factors

(a) 7,x,y (b) x,y (c) 7,x (d) 7,y

 The common factors of the terms 2y. 22xy is

(a)  2 (b) 2y (c) y (d) xy

2 is common factor of the expressions

(a)  12a2b, 15ab2 (b) 5xy, 10x(c)10x2, -18x3, 14x4 (d)33y, -22z

The factorization of 7a2+14a is

(a) 7(a+z) (b) 21a (c) 7(a+1) (d)7a(a+2)

The addition of ab-bc, bc-ca, ca-ab is

(a) 3ab+3bc+3ca (b) 0 (c) ab+bc+ca    (d) ab-bc+ca 

One of the example of binomial is

(a) 3xyz (b) 3xy+z (c)3x+y+z (d)3+x+y+z

The area of triangle is‟ xy‟ where‟ x‟ is length and „y‟ is breadth. If the length of rectangle is increased by 5 units and breadth is decreased by 3 units, the new area of rectangle will be

(a)   (x-y)(x+3) (b) xy+15 (c) (x+5)(y-3) (d) xy +5-3

The value of 2x (-3x) is

(a) 5x2 (b)   -6x (c)-5x       d)-6x2 

Like terms in the expression 7x,5x2,7y, -5yx,9x2,are

(a) 7x, -5yx (b) 5x2,-5yx (c)5x2, -9x2, (d)7x, 7y Q14:Area of rectangle of length‟ 3x‟ and breadth „5y „is

(a) 3x+5y (b) 15xy (c)15x (d)15y

Number of terms in the expression xyz+1 is

(a) 4 (b)  3 (c)2 (d)1

The product of -4p and 7p is

(a)  28p (b) -28p2 (c)-28p (d)28p2

The product of a2,2a2,5a10 is

(a) 10a34 (b) 7a34 (c)10a22 (d)10a440

Multiplication of pq+qr+rp and „zero‟ is

(a) pq+qr (b) pq+rp (c) pq+qr+rp (d) 0

The value of 3x(4x-5)+3 for x=3

(a) -6 (b) 66 (c)  106 (d) 0

The volume of rectangular box whose length, breadth and height is 2p,4q.8r respectively is (a) 14pqr (b) 2p+4q+8r (c)  64pqr (d)  64

Numerical coefficient of x2y in the expression 1+x+2x2y is

(a) 2y (b) 2 (c) 2x2y (d) 2x2

Coefficient of xy in the expression + -xy is

(a)  -1 (b) 1/2 (c) 1 (d) 1/4

Which of the following  expression is trinomial

(a) xyz (b) xy+z (c) x+y+z (d) x+yz 

Which of the following expression is monomial

(a) x+1 (b) pqr (c) pq+r (d) p+qr 

Multiplication of   „ab‟   and „a-b‟ is

(a) a2b-b (b) a2b+b (c) ba2b+ab2 (d) a2b - ab2 

The suitable identity to find (x+3)(x+3) is

(a) (a+b)2 (b) (a – b)2 (c)   a2 – b2 (d) (x+a)(x+b)

Value of (4p – 3q)2 is

(a) 16p2 -9q2 (b) 16p2  - 9q2 +24pq (c) 16p2  - 9q2 - 24pq (d) 16p2 + 9q2 - 24pq 

(x+a)(x+b) is equal to

(a) x2 +ax +ab (b) x2 +(a+b)x +ab (c)  x2 +bx +ab (d) x2 +ab 

Value of expression „ a(a2+a +1)+5‟ for „ a‟ =0 is

(a) a+5 (b) 1 (c) 6 (d) 5

Which of the following is not binomial

(a) m+n (b) mn (c) m-n (d) m2 – n2

Subtracting 7x +y from –x +y gives

(a) 6x+2y (b) 8x+2y (c) -8x (d) 8x

Which identity is used to evaluate (m+3)(m+2).

(a) (x+a)(x+b)=x2+(a+b)x+ab (b) (a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2 (c) (a-b)2=a2 -2ab+b2 (d) a2 – b2=(a+b)(a-b)

Use suitable identity to evaluate 992.

(a) 9801 (b) 10199 (c) 10201 (d) 10001

Evaluate (4x+y)2by suitable identity

(a) 4x2+y2+8x (b) 4x+y+8xy (c)16x2+y2+8xy (d) 16x2+y2+8

Find the value of 95 x 102 by suitable identity.

(a) 10310 (b) 10290 (c)10690 (d) 9690

Simplification of (t+s2)(t2-s) is

(a) t3+s3-s2t2- ts (b) t3-s3 +s2t2-st (c) t3-s3+s2t2+st (d) t3 + s3- s2t2+st

(a-b)2 is equal to

(a)  a2+b2- 2ab (b)  a2 - b2 + 2ab (c)  a2  - b2 (d)  (a-b)(a+b)

Using identity a2 – b2 =(a+b)(a-b), find 42-62

(a) -20 (b) 20 (c) -12 (d) 12

The expression in one variable is

(a) x+x2+1 (b) x+y (c) x+9y (d) xyz

(a+b)(a-b) is equal to

(a) a2- b2 (b) a2+b2 (c) a2+b2+ 2ab (d) a2+b2- 2ab

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