Sunday, July 23, 2023

Class 06 A game for a group



A game for a group


Copy these cards. Make three of each.

The Game

The dealer gives 3 cards (face down) to each player; then places the next card face up on the table with the remainder of the pack face down beside the upturned card.

The object of the game is to get a set of 3 cards that make a correct statement.

For example,  

is a winning set of 3 cards   since 3(n-2) = 3n-6



The dealer plays first; then the other players in turn, beginning with the player on the dealer's left. 

When it is a person's turn to play he may either

say the 3 cards in their hand is a winning set.

or (ii) pick up the card face up on the table if he thinks this card will help him get a winning set and discard one of the cards from his hand. 

or (iii) pick up a card from the pack and discard one of the cards from his hand.


No card on the table may be picked up unless it is on the top of the upturned pile. 

The first person to get a winning set of 3 cards scores 1 point and is the dealer for the next round. 

If a player declares a winning set which is in fact not a winning set, this player loses one point. 

The game is over after a set, time (15 minutes is reasonable).

The winner is the person with the highest score when the time is up. 

Each player should keep a score card and enter a tick  √ for each point scored or lost. 

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