Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Class 07 Activity - Decimals To find the product of two decimals using a squared paper by shading the squares.

 Activity - Decimals

Objective :  

To find the product of two decimals using a squared paper by shading the squares.

Materials Required: 

Squared papers, Colour pencils, geometry box, etc.,

Procedure : 

I. To represent 0.3 x 0.7

Take a 10 x 10 squared grid, colour its 3 rows red as shown below

2. On the same grid colour 7 columns green as shown below.

II To represent 0.5 x 0.5
1. Take a 10 x 10 square grid. Colour its 5 rows red and 5 columns green as shown below.

III To represent 0.8 x 0.6
1. Take a 10 x 10 square grid. Colour its 8 rows red and 6 columns green as shown below.


A 10 x 10 square grid  has 100 squares.
So, 1 square represents 1/100 = 0.01 & 10 square represents 10/100 = 0.1
Or 1 row or 1 column of the grid represents 0.1
2. In figure 2 , the 3 rows (coloured red) represent 30/100 = 0.3
And, the 7 columns ( coloured green ) represent 70/100 = 0.7
So the double coloured portion represents 0.3 x 0.7
The double coloured portion contains 21 squares, so it represents 21/100 = 0.21
Hence, 0.3 x 0.7 = 0.21
3. In figure 3, the 5 rows (coloured red) represent 50/100 = 0.5
And the 5 columns (coloured green) represent 50/100 = 0.5
So the double coloured portion represents 0.5 x 0.5.
The double coloured portion contains 25 squares, so it represents 25/100 = 0.25
Hence, 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25


4. In figure 4 , the 8 rows (coloured red) represent 80/100 = 0.8
And, the 6 columns ( coloured green ) represent 60/100 = 0.6
So the double coloured portion represents 0.8 x 0.6
The double coloured portion contains 48 squares, so it represents 48/100 = 0.48
Hence, 0.8 x 0.6 = 0.48

Do yourself:

0.2 x 0.9
2. 0.8 x 0.3
3. 0.5 x 0.7
4. 0.4 x 0.4 
5. 0.6 x 0.9
6. 0.1 x 0.9

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