Sunday, July 23, 2023

Class 06 To make an animal head finger puppet



To make an animal head finger puppet.


Take a square paper and fold in half 

2. Fold the left and the right corners down to the lower tip

3. Fold the flaps of the upper layer upwards as shown.

4. Fold only the triangle of  the upper layer upwards

5 like this 
Turn it over

6. Now, fold the left and the right corners as shown 

7. Fold the lower triangle upwards
8. Fold the upper tip downwards

9. To form the doggie's ears fold the top corners downwards as shown
10. Draw face of the doggie and your finger puppet is ready 
Here are some of the faces you can make. 
Can you think of more!
Fox             Dog     Cat             Pig

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4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .....роЕрок்рокроЯி роЗрои்род ‘роиாро▓ு’роХ்роХு роОрой்ройродாроЩ்роХ ро╕்рокெро╖ро▓்....????? 01. ‘роиாро▓ு’ рокேро░ு ‘роиாро▓ு’ ро╡ிродрооா рокேроЪுро╡ாроЩ்роХ. 02. ‘роиாро▓ு’ рокேро░ுроХ்роХு роиро▓்ро▓родு роироЯроХ...