We can find the products like 568 x 998, where the numbers to be multiplied are close to 1000, easily.

568 -432 →    568 is 432 below 1000, so we put 432 next to it.

998 -2  →  998 is 2 below 1000, so we put -2 next to it.

566 864                       We call the 432 and 2 deficiencies as the numbers 568 and 998 are deficient from 1000 by 432 and 2.

The answer 566864 is in two parts: 566 and 864.

The 566 is found by subtracting one of the deficiencies from the other number.

For example, 568-2 = 566 or 998 – 432 = 566 (whichever you like). 

And 864 is simply the product of the deficiencies: 432 x 2 = 864

So, 568 x 998 = 566864.

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