Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Class 07 To understand the exponential growth of the triangles by activity method


9.Rational Numbers

13.Exponents and Powers

12.Algebraic Expression

4.Simple Equations

8. Comparing Quantities

ACTIVITY –Exponents and Powers


To understand the exponential growth of the triangles by activity method.

Materials Required: 

Coloured glazed papers, a pair of scissors, pencil, white chart sheet.


1. Cut out a square from a coloured glazed paper.
2. Draw the diagonal. Fold it to get two triangles and paste it on a white chart sheet as shown in Fig.

3. Now, make 2 and 3 folds and count the number of triangles formed in each case.
4. Also make 4 and 5 folds. Then note down the observations in a table as shown below:
We see that the number of triangles increase exponentially corresponding to the number of folds.

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