Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Class 07 Finding the values of 3^0, 3^1, 3^2, ........

 ACTIVITY –Exponents and Powers


 Finding the values of 3^0, 3^1, 3^2, ........

Materials Required: 

A coloured chart paper, a scale, a pencil, an eraser, a pair of scissors.


1. Any rectangular piece of paper represents the base as shown in Fig. 

Number of times the rectangular piece is folded represents the exponent of the base. Cut a few equal size rectangular pieces from the chart paper. 

Let each rectangular piece represent the base 3.

2. Take one of the rectangular pieces. This piece is not folded i.e., it has been folded zero times. It represents 3^0, which is equal to 1. Hence, 3^0 = 1
3. Take another rectangular piece of chart paper.
Fold it into three equal parts along the width. 
We have folded it one time. It represents 3^1. Cut along the folds. The rectangular piece is divided into three equal parts. 
Hence, 3^1 = 3

4. Take one more rectangular piece of chart paper. Fold it once as folded in step 2 above.
Fold it once more along the width dividing it further into three equal parts. We have folded the original piece two times (Fig. 4), so it represents 3^2. Unfold it and cut along the folds. We get 9 equal pieces. Hence, 3^2 = 9
5. Take another rectangular piece of chart paper. 
Fold it as folded in step 3 above. 
Fold it now once along the length, dividing it further into three equal parts. We have folded the original piece three times , so it represents 3^3.
Unfold it and cut along the folds. We get 27 equal pieces. Hence, 3^3 = 27

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