Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Class 07 To perform an activity on multiplication of integers

 Activity - Integers


To perform an activity on multiplication of integers.

Materials Required: 

White sheet of paper, a ruler, a pencil or a pen, two black dice, two white dice and a clothespin.


Make a group of two students. Each group has a number line drawn on a sheet of paper; from -100 to + 100. 

Provide a box of four dice, two in black representing negative integers and the other two in white representing positive integers to one of the group.

A student in the group takes the turn of picking up two dice randomly from the box three times. 

The student then rolls the dice and  multiplies the result.

Suppose, the student rolls two dice of different colours that is picked up.

The value of both the negative and positive integers are taken and multiplied.

For example, if the value of the black and white dice is -2 and +3,  resp., 

the result is (-2) x (+3) = (-6).

Now the student positions the clothespin accordingly on the number line.

The student again takes his turn of picking up the dice. 

Suppose the student rolls two dice of same colour (white)  in the next turn, 

the value of both the positive integers are multiplied that gives a positive result.

For example 

(+4) x (+5) = +20.

Now, the student moves the clothespin from -6 towards right and positions it on +14.

The student may also pickup two dice in black that represents negative integers

 and multiply them which begets positive result. 

This process continues until the student completes his turn and passes on the next group. 

The group with  the most  positive positions on the number line will be the winner.

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