Sunday, July 16, 2023



1.       To develop Heron's formulae for area of a triangle.

2.       Story of p.

3.       Development of Number Systems with their needs.

4.       Chronology of Indian Mathematicians with their contributions.

5.       Chronological development of solution of a quadratic equations.

6.       Development of Formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral.

7.       Pythagoras Theorem-Proofs other than given in the present textbook.

8.       Extensions of Pythagoras Theorem.

9.       With rectangle of given perimeter finding the one with a maximum area and with rectangle of given area, finding the one with least perimeter.

10.      Knowledge and classification of solid figures with respect to surface areas and volumes.

11.      Sum of the exterior angles of a polygon taken in an order.

12.      Generation of Pythagorean triplets.

13.      Magic squares.

14.      With cuboids of given surface area, finding the one with maximum volume and with cuboids of given volumes finding one with least surface area.

15.      Mathematical designs and patterns.

16.      Indian Mathematicians and their contibutions.


The following weightage are assigned for evaluation at Secondary Stage in mathematics: Theory Examination                              :           80 marks

Internal Assessment                             :           20 marks

l. Internal assessment of 20 marks, based on school based examination will have following break-up:

Year-end assessment of activities          :           12 marks Assessment of Project Work                 :           5 marks

Viva-voce                                             :           3 marks

        Assessment of Activity Work

(a)     Every student will be asked to perform two given activities during the allotted time.

(b)     The assessment may be carried out by a team of two mathematics teachers, including the teacher who is taking practical classes.

(c)     The break-up of 12 marks for assessment for a single activity may be as under:

     Statement of objective of the activity :          1 mark

     Material required                               :           1 mark

     Preparation for the activity                :           3 marks

     Conduct of the activity                      :           3 marks

     Observation and analysis                   :           3 marks

     Results and Conclusion                     :           1 mark

Total              :           12 marks

(d)     The marks for two activities may be added first and then marks calculated out of 12.

(e)     Full record of activities may be kept by each student.

       Evaluation of Project Work

(a)     Every student will be asked to do at least one project based on the concepts learnt in the classroom.

(b)     The project may be carried out individually (or in a group of two or three students).

(c)     The weightage of 5 marks for the project may be as under :

     Identification and statement of the project     :           1 mark

     Planning the project                                      :           1 mark

     Procedure adopted                                        :           1 mark

     Observations from data collected                   :           1 mark

     Interpretation and application of result           :           1 mark

Total Score out of 20 : The marks obtained in year-end assessment of activities and project work be added to the marks in viva-voce to get the total score out of 20.

Note : Every student should be asked to perform at least twenty activities in one academic year.

17.      To prepare a list of quotations on mathematics.

18.      Ramanujan number (1729)

19.      Mathematical Crosswords

20.      Application of Geometry in day-to-day life

21.      Application of Algebra in day-to-day life.

22.      Application of Mensuration in day-to-day life.

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