Sunday, July 16, 2023

Class 09 To find a hidden picture by plotting and joining the various points with given coordinates in a plane.

 Activity 12


To find a hidden picture by plotting and joining the various points with given coordinates in a plane.


Cardboard, white paper, cutter, adhesive, graph paper/squared paper, geometry box, pencil.


1.   Take a cardboard of a convenient size and paste a white paper on it.

2.   Take a graph paper and paste it on the white paper.

3.   Draw two rectangular axes XOX and YOY as shown in Fig. 1.

4.   Plot the points A, B, C, ... with given coordinates (a, b), (c, d), (e, f), ..., respectively as shown in Fig. 2.

Join the points in a given order say ABCD.....A [see Fig. 3]


By joining the points as per given instructions, a ‘hidden’ picture of an ‘aeroplane’ is formed.


In Fig. 3:

Coordinates of points A, B, C, D, .......................

are ........, ........, ........, ........, ........, ........, ........

Hidden picture is of ______________.


This activity is useful in understanding the plotting of points in a cartesian plane which in turn may be useful in preparing the road maps, seating plan in the classroom, etc.

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