Sunday, July 16, 2023

Clas 09 the vertically opposite angles are equal (ii) the sum of two adjacent angles is 180ยบ (iii) the sum of all the four angles is 360ยบ.


Activity 13


To verify experimentally that if two lines intersect, then

 (i)       the vertically opposite angles are equal

 (ii)        the sum of two adjacent angles is 180ยบ

 (iii)      the sum of all the four angles is 360ยบ.


Two transparent strips marked as AB and CD, a full protractor, a nail, cardboard, white paper, etc.


1.   Take a cardboard of a convenient size and paste a white paper on it.

2.   Paste a full protractor (0° to 360ยบ) on the cardboard, as shown in Fig. 1.

3.   Mark the centre of the protractor as O.

4.   Make a hole in the middle of each transparent strip containing two intersecting lines.

5.   Now fix both the strips at O by putting a nail as shown in Fig. 1.


1.   Observe the adjacent angles and the vertically opposite angles formed in different positions of the strips.

 2.   Compare vertically opposite angles formed by the two lines in the strips in different positions.

 3.   Check the relationship between the vertically opposite angles.

 4.   Check that the vertically opposite anglesAOD,COB,COA andBOD are equal.

 5.   Compare the pairs of adjacent angles and check thatCOA +DOA= 180ยบ, etc.

 6.   Find the sum of all the four angles formed at the point O and see that the sum is equal to 360ยบ.


 On actual measurement of angles in one position of the strips : 


AOD = .................

,AOC = ...................




COB = .................

,BOD = .................



Therefore,AOD =COB andAOC = ............

(vertically opposite angles).


AOC +AOD = .............




COB +BOD = ...................




AOD +BOD = ...................

(Linear pairs).




AOD +AOC +COB +BOD = ....................

(angles formed at a point).


 These properties are used in solving many geometrical problems.

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