Subject Enrichment Activities
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Rational numbers - 1 Operations on rational numbers
Rational numbers -2 Addition and subtraction of rational numbers.
Linear Equations in one variable -1 Framing Linear Equations
Linear Equations in one variable -2 Take a dice and throw it
Understanding Quadrilaterals -1 To locate various convex and concave polygons by paper folding.
Understanding Quadrilaterals -2 Angle sum property of a concave quadrilateral.
Understanding Quadrilaterals -3 Area of parellelogram = B x H
Practical geometry -1 Figures on the same base.
Practical geometry- 2 Construct the given sketch using ruler and compasses.
Data handling -1 Probability
Data handling -2 Pie chart
Data handling -3 Pie chart of daily activities
Squares and Squareroots -1 To show square of numbers on a graph paper.
Squares and Squareroots -2 To observe the given number pattern and complete the next three steps.
Squares and Squareroots -3 :To verify that the sum of first n odd natural numbers is n^2.
Cubes and Cuberoots -1 Cube number patterns
Cubes and Cuberoots -2 Cubes
Comparing quantities -1 Difference between simple interest and compound interest.
Comparing quantities -2 Billing activity (VAT)
Algebraic Identities - 1 Algebraic Identities
Algebraic Identities -2 Verification of (a^2-〖 b〗^2) = (a+b) (a-b)
Visualizing Solid Shapes -1 Identification of Shapes
Visualizing Solid Shapes -2 Form the net of following 3-D figures
Mensuration -1 Volume and Surface area of cube and cuboid
Mensuration -2 : Area of a circle
Exponents and Powers -1 Exponents and Powers
Exponents and Powers -2 Exponential form
Direct and inverse proportions -1 : Direct Variation and Inverse Variation
Direct and inverse proportions-2 : Direct Variation and Inverse Variation
Factorization -1 : Factorisation
Factorization-2 : Factorisation
Introduction to Graphs - 1 Double bar graphs
Introduction to Graphs - 2 Linear graphs
Playing with numbers -1 Puzzle
Playing with numbers -2 Maths Magic
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