Sunday, July 16, 2023



Class 01-05 NCERT Activities

ACTIVITY 1 To add two one digit numbers

ACTIVITY 2 To develop the sense of estimation in addition nd subtraction of numbers

ACTIVITY 3 To understand tens and ones

ACTIVITY 4 To explore even and odd numbers in aplayful manner

ACTIVITY 5 To form two digit numbers from any two digits and to compare them

ACTIVITY 6 To perform addition and subtraction using even and odd numbers

ACTIVITY 7 To add and subtract two digit numbers with carrying

ACTIVITY 8 To form three digit numbers using digits

ACTIVITY 9 To develop a sense of grouping

ACTIVITY 10 To do multiplication of numbers using concrete objects

ACTIVITY 11 To understand division by grouping

ACTIVITY 12 To make a tangram and to form different shapes using its pieces

ACTIVITY 13 To learn number operations in a known context

ACTIVITY 14 To conver expanded form a number into its usual form

ACTIVITY 15 To collect, display and interpret data

ACTIVITY 16 To find the multiples of numbers 2,34,5,.....9

ACTIVITY 17 To construct a 3 x 3 Magic Square of Magic constant 15

ACTIVITY 18 To construct a 3 x 3 Magic Square of Magic constant 15

ACTIVITY 19 To find multiples and factors

ACTIVITY 20 To find the factors of a given number (say 18)

ACTIVITY 21 To compare the lengths of palms of students

ACTIVITY 22 To make nets of cubes and cuboids using different objects

ACTIVITY 23 To identify 2-D shapes in 3-D shapes

ACTIVITY 24 To complete the pyramids by observing the pattern

ACTIVITY 25 To fill up the empty boxes

ACTIVITY 26 A number puzzle

ACTIVITY 27 A cross number game

ACTIVITY 27 Some shortcut methods of calculation

Suggested list of projects

1. Number patterns

2. Numerals used presently in different languages

3. About numerals used in ancient times

4. Different ways of multiplying numbers ( other than given in the text book)

5. Collection of maps of some localitoes and to discuss important landmarks.

6. Making different shapes using pieces of tangrams

7. Finding tthe day of the week corresponding to a given date ( calendar and its uses)

Class 06-08 NCERT Activities

Class 06 ACTIVITY 1 To verify that addition of whole numbers is commutative 

Class 06  ACTIVITY 2 To verify that multiplication of whole numbers is commutative 

Class 06  ACTIVITY 3 To verify distributive property of whole numbers

Class 06  ACTIVITY 4 To verify distributive property of multiplication over addition of whole numbers

Class 06  ACTIVITY 5 To find HCF of two numbers

Class 06  ACTIVITY 6 To find LCM of two numbers

Class 06  ACTIVITY 7 To find fractions equivalent to a given fraction

Class 06  ACTIVITY 8 To find the sum of fractions with same denominators (say (1/5) +(3/5)

Class 06  ACTIVITY 9 To find the sum of fractions with different denominators (say 1/4+2/3)

Class 06  ACTIVITY 10 To subtract a smaller fraction from a greater fraction with same denominators (say 4/7-2/7)

Class 06  ACTIVITY 11 To subtract a smaller fraction from a greater fraction with different denominators (say 5/7-2/3)

Class 06  ACTIVITY 12 To add integers

Class 06  ACTIVITY 13 To subtract integers

Class 06  ACTIVITY 14 Addition of decimals

Class 06  ACTIVITY 15 To construct a 4 x 4 Magic Square of Magic constant 34

Class 06  ACTIVITY 16 To form various polygons by paper folding and to identify convex and concave polygons

Class 06  ACTIVITY 17 To obtain areas of different geometric figures using a geoboard and verify the results using known formulas

Class 06  ACTIVITY 18 To establish the fact that triangle is the most rigid figure

Class 06  ACTIVITY 19 To represent a decimal number using a grid paper

Class 06  ACTIVITY 20 To make a protractor by paper folding

Class 06  ACTIVITY 21 To obtain angle bisector of an angle by paper folding

Class 06  ACTIVITY 22 To make a parallelogram, rectangle,square and trapezium using set squares

Class 06  ACTIVITY 23 To draw a perpendicualr toa line from a point not on it, by paper folding

Class 06  ACTIVITY 24 To obtain formula for the area of a rectangle

Class 06  ACTIVITY 25 To obtain the perpendicular bisector of a line segment by paper folding

Class 06  ACTIVITY 26 To find the lines of symmetry of a figure(say, a rectangle) by paper folding

Class 06  ACTIVITY 27 To see that shapes having equal areas may not have equal perimeters

Class 06  ACTIVITY 27 Some shortcut methods of calculation

Class 07  ACTIVITY 28 To multiply a fraction by a number ( say, (3/4) x 7 )

Class 07  ACTIVITY 29 To divide integers using unit squares of different colours

Class 07  ACTIVITY 30 To explain SAS criterion for congruency of two triangles

Class 07  ACTIVITY 31 To explain the SSS criterion for congruency of two triangles

Class 07  ACTIVITY 32 To explain the ASA criterion for congruency of two triangles

Class 07  ACTIVITY 33 To explain the RHS criterion for congruency of two right triangles

Class 07  ACTIVITY 34 To verify that an isosceles triangle, angles opposite equal sides are equal

Class 07  ACTIVITY 35 To multiply two fractions (say (3/4) x (5/6))

Class 07  ACTIVITY 36 To divide a fraction by another fraction ( say , (2/3) ÷(1/6))

Class 07  ACTIVITY 37 To divide a fraction by a natural number ( say , (1/3) ÷(4))

Class 07  ACTIVITY 38 To multiply integers using unit squares of different colours

Class 07  ACTIVITY 39 To divide a natural number by a fraction

Class 07  ACTIVITY 40 To divide a mixed fraction by a proper fraction ( say ,134  ÷ 1⁄4  )

Class 07  ACTIVITY 41 To multiply two decimals ( say 0.3 and 0.4) using a grid

Class 07  ACTIVITY 42 To find the value of a^n ( where a and n are natural numbers) using paper folding

Class 07  ACTIVITY 43 To verify exterior angle property of a triangle

Class 07  ACTIVITY 44 To verify that the sum of any two sides of a triangle is always greater than the third side

Class 07  ACTIVITY 45 To verify that in atriangle sides opposite equal angles are equal

Class 07  ACTIVITY 46 To draw altitudes of a triangle using paper folding

Class 07  ACTIVITY 47 To find the ratio of circumference and diameter of a circle

Class 07  ACTIVITY 48 To understand the meaning of less likely and more likely of the outcomes of an experiment

Class 07  ACTIVITY 49 To verify that congruent triangles have equal area but two triangles with equal areas may not be congruent

Class 07  ACTIVITY 50 To verify that when two lines intersect, vertically opposite angles are equal

Class 07  ACTIVITY 51 To find the order of rotational symmetry of a given figure

Class 07  ACTIVITY 52 To obtain a formula for the area of a circle

Class 07  ACTIVITY 53 To verify that vertically opposite angles are equal

Class 07  ACTIVITY 54 To add two algebraic expressions (polynomials) using different strips of cardboard

Class 07  ACTIVITY 55 To subtract a polynomial from another polynomial(for example, (2x^2+5x-3)-(x^2-2x+4)

Class 07  ACTIVITY 56 To collect data and represent this through a bargraph

Class 07  ACTIVITY 57 To verify that a minimum of three sides are required to onstruct a polygon.

Class 07  ACTIVITY 58 To make medians of a triangle by paper folding

Class 07  ACTIVITY 59 To obtain a formula for area of a rhombus

Class 07  ACTIVITY 60 To verify Pythagoras theorem for any right triangle

Class 07  ACTIVITY 61 To verify Pythagoras theorem using a grid paper

Class 07  ACTIVITY 62 To verify Pythagoras theorem for an isosceles right triangle

Class 07  ACTIVITY 63 To verify Pythagoras theorem for any right triangle with one angle 30°

Class 07  ACTIVITY 64 To verify that if two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, then the pairs of corresponding angles are equal.

the pairs of alternate interior angles are equal.

the pairs of interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary.

Class 07  ACTIVITY 65 To verify that the sum of three angles of a triangle is 180°

Class 07  ACTIVITY 66 to obtain formula for the area of a parallelogram

Class 07  ACTIVITY 67 To make a rhombus by paper folding and cutting

Class 07  ACTIVITY 68 To make a rectangle by paper folding

Class 07  ACTIVITY 69 To make a square by paper folding

Class 07  ACTIVITY 70 To obtain a parallelogram by paper folding

Class 08  ACTIVITY 71 To draw regular polygon using circles

Class 08  ACTIVITY 72 To make a kite by paper folding and cutting

Class 08  ACTIVITY 73 To verify that the sum of four angles of  quadrilateral is 360°

Class 08  ACTIVITY 74 To verify that sum of exterior angles of a triangle and quadrilateral taken in order is 360° or four right angles.

Class 08  ACTIVITY 75 To make different types of prisms and pyramids and verifying Euler's Formula

Class 08  ACTIVITY 76 To verify the algebraic identity : (a+b)^2 = a^2+2ab+b^2

Class 08  ACTIVITY 77 To verify the algebraic identity : (a-b)^2 = a^2-2ab+b^2

 Class 08  ACTIVITY 78 To verify the algebraic identity : a^2 - b^2 = (a+b)(a-b)

Class 08  ACTIVITY 79 To obtain a formula for the area of a trapezium

Class 08  ACTIVITY 80 To form a cube and obtain a formula for its surface area

Class 08  ACTIVITY 81 To form a cuboid and obtain a formula for its surface area

Class 08  ACTIVITY 82 To obtain a formula for finding the volume of a cuboid

Class 08  ACTIVITY 83 To establi8h a formula for the volume of a right circular cylinder

Class 08  ACTIVITY 84 To obtain a formula for the Curved surface area of a right circular cylinder

Class 08  ACTIVITY 85 To verify the opposite sides of a Parallelogram are equal

Class 08  ACTIVITY 86 To verify that adjacent angles of a parallelogram are supplemenatry

Class 08  ACTIVITY 87 To verify that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

Class 08  ACTIVITY 88 To multiply two linear algebraic expressions (polynomials) using different strips of cardboard

Class 08  ACTIVITY 89 To verify that opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal

Class 08  ACTIVITY 90 To factorise a polynomial, say (2x^2+4x)

Class 08  ACTIVITY 91 To factorise a polynomial, say (x^2+4x+3)

Class 08  ACTIVITY 92 To solve a linear equation, say (2x+3=5)

Class 08  ACTIVITY 93 To sketch a cube on an isometric dot paper and also to draw its oblique sketch on the square paper


Class 08 Project 2 Method of calculate value of pi

Suggested List of Projects
1. About an Indian mathematician and his/her contributions to mathematics.
2. Verification of Pythagoras theorem in different ways.
3. Magic squares: 3 x 3, 4 x 4, and 5 x 5.
4. Congruent shapes.
5. Exploring Pythagorean Triplets.
6. Drawing map of your school/locality, 
7. Collection of data and its pictorial representation in different ways.
8.Decimal system versus other number systems with base 5, 8 and 2.
9. Divisibility Tests with special reference to 7, 11 and 13.
10. Verification of Euler's formula for different 3 D shapes (polyhedra).
11. Application of direct and inverse proportions in day to day life. 
12.Use of double bar graph in different situations.
13. Hardy Ramanujan Numbers.
14. Use of algebraic identities in solving problems.
15. Areas of different polygons.
16. Graphs in day to day life.


1. To construct a square-root spiral.

2. To represent some irrational numbers on the number line.

3. To verify the algebraic identity : (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

4.To verify the algebraic identity :(a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2

5. To verify the algebraic identity :a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)

6. To verify the algebraic identity :(a+b+c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca

7.To verify the algebraic identity :(a+b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3a2b + 3ab2

8. To verify the algebraic identity (a – b)3 = a3 – b3 – 3(a – b)ab

9. To verify the algebraic identity : a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2 – ab + b2)

10.Class 09 To verify the algebraic identity :a3 – b3 = (a – b)(a2 + ab + b2)

11. To find the values of abscissae and ordinates of various points given in a cartesian plane.

12. To find a hidden picture by plotting and joining the various points with given coordinates in a plane.


1.       To develop Heron's formulae for area of a triangle.

2.       Story of p.

3.       Development of Number Systems with their needs.

4.       Chronology of Indian Mathematicians with their contributions.

5.       Chronological development of solution of a quadratic equations.

6.       Development of Formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral.

7.       Pythagoras Theorem-Proofs other than given in the present textbook.

8.       Extensions of Pythagoras Theorem.

9.       With rectangle of given perimeter finding the one with a maximum area and with rectangle of given area, finding the one with least perimeter.

10.      Knowledge and classification of solid figures with respect to surface areas and volumes.

11.      Sum of the exterior angles of a polygon taken in an order.

12.      Generation of Pythagorean triplets.

13.      Magic squares.

14.      With cuboids of given surface area, finding the one with maximum volume and with cuboids of given volumes finding one with least surface area.

15.      Mathematical designs and patterns.

16.      Indian Mathematicians and their contibutions.

17.      To prepare a list of quotations on mathematics.

18.      Ramanujan number (1729)

19.      Mathematical Crosswords

20.      Application of Geometry in day-to-day life

21.      Application of Algebra in day-to-day life.

22.      Application of Mensuration in day-to-day life.

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